Sony is erasing digital libraries that were supposed to be accessible “forever”

I am just going to say it.
I know it sounds paranoid (ten years ago I would have said, whoever said what I am about to say now was crazy) but I think they are deleting these things so they can spoon feed you all this LGTBQ/Woke crap, Sorry if that cam out a little hostile, but I am sick of having this crap shoved down my throat

Sony erasing digital media has nothing whatsoever to do with depicting LGBT people or other marginalized communities. Nothing.

You just don't like queer people and decided to use this as an excuse to whine about the fact they exist.
I am just going to say it.
I know it sounds paranoid (ten years ago I would have said, whoever said what I am about to say now was crazy) but I think they are deleting these things so they can spoon feed you all this LGTBQ/Woke crap, Sorry if that cam out a little hostile, but I am sick of having this crap shoved down my throat

I have had the misfortune of having to read many similar posts here over the years. However, seeing it here in this thread strikes me as one of the biggest off-topic stretches to get to an anti-"woke" tirade that I've seen. So there is that, I guess?

Care to explain how television shows reflecting the reality that LGBTQ+ people exist is somehow "shoving crap down your throat"?

The problem I have is insisting that every show has to have someone that is gay, or black, instead of telling good stories.

Ah, OK, so you don't have a problem that LGBTQ+ or racialized people exist, just as long as you never have to see them or hear from or about them. Have I got that right?
We've had Batgirl get famously deleted and Disney purged Willow, Y: The Last Man and others that could be considered woke so the premise seems shaky.
From the result of Disney recently:
Woke = Broke

I wish I was broke.
I am just going to say it.
I know it sounds paranoid (ten years ago I would have said, whoever said what I am about to say now was crazy) but I think they are deleting these things so they can spoon feed you all this LGTBQ/Woke crap, Sorry if that cam out a little hostile, but I am sick of having this crap shoved down my throat

No one in the entertainment industry has ever shoved anything down your throat. That is an inappropriate, violent metaphor that equates having one's preferences offended with being physically assaulted.

Writers use metaphor all the time, of course. But any essayist with a sense of proportion would strike that one on first revision.

Maybe you can answer this for me, though - why is "shove this down my/our throats" the go-to expression among people who object to diverse casting and supposedly "woke" media content? I mean, it's damned near universal. Was there a meeting? A memo? Is it darkly psychological, somehow?
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Maybe you can answer this for me, though - why is "shove this down my/our throats" the go-to expression among people who object to diverse casting and supposedly "woke" media content? I mean, it's damned near universal. Was there a meeting? A memo? Is it darkly psychological, somehow?

They are being raped by the things they watch. It is the closest thing I can come up with.
If you ever watched a British police procedural show, or any British show, the stories are sharp and interesting. No one ever considers the fact that the lead is black, or Indian or a man or a women. The story comes first.
I agree that this was not the right thread for such a rant. I will delete it
It has been deleted
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If you ever watched a British police procedural show, or any British show, the stories are sharp and interesting. No one ever considers the fact that the lead is black, or Indian or a man or a women. The story comes first.
I agree that this was not the right thread for such a rant. I will delete it
It has been deleted
I’ve watched a few. American shows aren’t all that different. Sometimes the story can be about a character being “X”, because stories are about people.
I’ve watched a few. American shows aren’t all that different. Sometimes the story can be about a character being “X”, because stories are about people.
Yep. Most stories worth telling are about their characters' identity, at least to some degree. It only becomes a "problem" when the identity in question is one a viewer regards as invalid, frightening, offensive, or inferior.
'Shoved down my throat' suggests it's about a subject you have no interest in but if someone is interested and concerned about a cause then no amount of media coverage would ever be enough. Woke isn't being shoved down your throat it's the media that would like you to believe that so that's how they present it. So it's being shoved down our throats but by the bottom feeding media who love to rile us up and not the groups involved like gay and trans people.

I can understand the use when it refers to the media mis-representing these groups with heavily edited stories and often including outright lies to encourage the reader to turn against rather than show support. In that respect the context can be taken with a lot more understanding than if it were someone like Alf Garnet saying it who probably wouldn't comprehend the concept of being manipulated by his daily red tops.

I don't have wifi at home so don't subscribe to any streaming services and instead still use DVDs. Some of the prized ones such as my seasons 1-7 Voyager disks are treated with extra care. I would only subscribe to a steaming service if it guaranteed none of the programmes are edited. Instead of enjoying the show I end up getting pissed off when I notice something was edited out that didn't need to be or worse was important to the story.
[*Nods in Black Stormtrooper*]

The thing I always loved about that whole black Stormtrooper malarkey was that the kinds of people who whinged were complaining one film later about the First Order all being white!

If you ever watched a British police procedural show, or any British show, the stories are sharp and interesting. No one ever considers the fact that the lead is black, or Indian or a man or a women. The story comes first.
I agree that this was not the right thread for such a rant. I will delete it
It has been deleted

I don't think you've seen as much British TV as you think you have.
We've had Batgirl get famously deleted and Disney purged Willow, Y: The Last Man and others that could be considered woke so the premise seems shaky.

I'm going to have to watch the new WILLOW to see how it classifies as woke.

Anyhow, I did wake up long ago knowing that no nation does better soap operas than Australia. That's a drifting digression, but hardly the first for this thread.
I'm going to have to watch the new WILLOW to see how it classifies as woke.

Anyhow, I did wake up long ago knowing that no nation does better soap operas than Australia. That's a drifting digression, but hardly the first for this thread.
It has the audacity to feature a same sex couple.