Some news on the new Titan novel, spoilery ofcourse.....

The Titan just visited Betazed in JJMiller's TNG - Takedown.

Well, did it?

If you're making a grammar point, I have no idea what you're pointing at in that post. It looks completely grammatical to me.

If you're not, I have no idea what you're saying. :p

I think he means that the idea of Titan - and Troi and Natasha specifically - visiting Betazed was part of the simulation. Is there any indication that the ship actually visited Betazed? They were at an orbital station, or at least Riker was, but I don't know if they actually visited the surface. That part was made up. Although I like to think they'd take the opportunity to actually do it, and see Lwaxana.
Well, did it?

If you're making a grammar point, I have no idea what you're pointing at in that post. It looks completely grammatical to me.

If you're not, I have no idea what you're saying. :p

I think he means that the idea of Titan - and Troi and Natasha specifically - visiting Betazed was part of the simulation. Is there any indication that the ship actually visited Betazed? They were at an orbital station, or at least Riker was, but I don't know if they actually visited the surface. That part was made up. Although I like to think they'd take the opportunity to actually do it, and see Lwaxana.

Oh, haha, right, I forgot that was part of a simulation. Okay, that makes more sense now. Sorry for the misunderstanding if that's what you meant, Dimesdan!
Since met with Deanna and Jean-Luc at the 'hospital' in orbit of Betazed, I would assume that they visited the surface at some point. It's not like they were only there for a few hours.