Some news on the new Titan novel, spoilery ofcourse.....

James, apropos of just seeing your name right there: Love your work! And I don't just mean your Star Trek work (although I did enjoy 'Synthesis' very much!), I am also a fan of your 40k fiction, 'Nemesis' and 'Fear to Tread' were both great!

Also: 'One' (the Voyager episode) is one of my faves! Thanks for all your excellent fiction!
I'll second the complaint about the bloodthirst targeting the cast!

I'm not done reading about any of them yet, frankly.
James, apropos of just seeing your name right there: Love your work! And I don't just mean your Star Trek work (although I did enjoy 'Synthesis' very much!), I am also a fan of your 40k fiction, 'Nemesis' and 'Fear to Tread' were both great!

Also: 'One' (the Voyager episode) is one of my faves! Thanks for all your excellent fiction!

Glad you liked the books, that's always nice to hear. And thank you also for the kind words about "One" - Jeri Taylor deserves most of the credit for her work on that. I'm just pleased to have been a part of it.
I really hope they don't kill Riker or Troi. They wouldn't dare kill them, would they?
Keru is a character with a lot of potential who more often than not has been underused, so I feel there's still a lot of development the character could get. Important LGBT characters in Trek are still so rare, I'd be upset if he were killed off. Outside of the hermat Burgoyne in New Frontier, I can't think off hand of any other important recurring LGBT characters in the 24th century.
Keru is a character with a lot of potential who more often than not has been underused, so I feel there's still a lot of development the character could get. Important LGBT characters in Trek are still so rare, I'd be upset if he were killed off. Outside of the hermat Burgoyne in New Frontier, I can't think off hand of any other important recurring LGBT characters in the 24th century.

There's Praetor Gell Kamemor; Bart Faulwell and Anthony Mark from Corps of Engineers (though they haven't been seen in a while); Garak, judging from what The Crimson Shadow seemed to imply; Krissten Richter and Etana Kol from the DS9 novels; Aili Lavena, Kent Norellis, Bowan Radowski, and Loolooa Tereshini, also from Titan; and probably one or two others.
Thanks Christopher! Some of those I had forgotten. I guess I 'm just more attached to Keru and am panicking a little at the possibility of him getting killed off lol
Not that I need a character to die perse, but if there is someone I won't miss, it's Xin Ra-Havreii. Such a boring character.
I hope it's Ssura, just because he's the new regular and I thought it was hilarious when a character finally got added to the credits in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but then died that episode.
I hope it's Ssura, just because he's the new regular and I thought it was hilarious when a character finally got added to the credits in Buffy the Vampire Slayer but then died that episode.

Or maybe it's because you're a sexist homophobic?
This looks like a great book. Takedown, by JJ Miller (out in Jan) features Admiral Riker on the Aventine for assignment. I havent seen a release date for this new Titan novel but I'd assume it comes out after that and chronologically will take place after Takedown as well. I think seeing Riker wrestle with being an Admiral makes for some really interesting literature and I'm hopeful these two novels will show it! Hopefully also the books will mesh together well, nothing drives me crazier than when one novel ignores details from another recent novel (see LaForge love interests). These are two authors I really like though so I'm very encouraged that we will be reading some great trek books next year!
In terms of who will die, I am going to take a guess and say Dr. Ree goes down somehow. I will guess and say Alyssa Ogawa (a Dr. as of Indistinguishable from Magic) takes over for him eventually. Not saying I want this to happen, I rather like Dr. Ree, but this is my guess.
^I would think that it takes place not long after The Poisoned Chalice, Peaceable Kingdoms, Absent Enemies, and Takedown.

Say, is there any plan to address what happened to the transporter clones from Fallen Gods?
I havent seen a release date for this new Titan novel but I'd assume it comes out after that and chronologically will take place after Takedown as well. I think seeing Riker wrestle with being an Admiral makes for some really interesting literature and I'm hopeful these two novels will show it!

That's the idea... We're looking at a Fall 2015 release, or thereabouts.

Will your book continue the events from Poisoned Chalice?

Some of them, yes.

^I would think that it takes place not long after The Poisoned Chalice, Peaceable Kingdoms, Absent Enemies, and Takedown.

Correct. Chronologically, Sight Unseen takes place soon after the events of Takedown.

Say, is there any plan to address what happened to the transporter clones from Fallen Gods?
It's not something that comes up in Sight Unseen.