So What Are you Reading?: Generations

My brother has just given me his collection of the Game of thrones books.Fantasy isn't really my thing but what the hell?
A song of fire and ice awaits.
I'm reading book 2 Errands of fury Demands of Honor.By Kevin Ryan. I really this series of novels Kevin wrote.The characters are well written and I like the Micheal Fuller Character who story is asecurity officer in this book.
Just finished Shadow Ops: Fortress Frontier. A great follow-up to last year's debut, continuing this intriguing urban fantasy/superhero mashup with a great new character and some fantastic new forms of magic.
I finished DTI: Forgotten History last night ... finally. For some reason it was just a slog for me to get through. I had a hard time engaging with all the, to use the technical term, "timey-wimey stuff." And I missed the characters from the first book. I mean, yes, they made appearances, but I kept wondering as I read thru the history of the DTI and the Enterprise's time travel shenanigans just when we would ever get back to Dulmur and Lucsly. :shrug: Ah well, can't win 'em all. :)

Now I'm reading The Eternal Tide, and aside from occasionally getting lost in the Q conversations, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. :techman:
Currently Reading:
Immortal Coil by Jeffrey Lang
Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin
Imzadi by Peter David
Doomsday World (TNG #12) by Carter/David/Friedman/Greenberger

Over the last week, I finished:
Typhon Pact: Plagues of Night by David R. George III
Star Trek: Klingon by Rusch/Smith
The Pandora Principle (TOS #49) by Carolyn Clowes
Gulliver's Fugitives (TNG #11) by Keith Sharee
I have a blog where I write reviews of the books that I read. This blog is in french but as I read Star Trek novels in English and I discuss about them on a board in English, I tried to write my first review in English. I hope it's understandable. It's a review of Last Full Measure and here it is. Feel free to write comments in English if you want, even if my blog is in French.
Currently reading:
  • The Bourne Imperative
  • Star Trek Destiny Omnibus

I also just pre-ordered from The Book Depository all Trek novels from Devil's Bargain to the first Fall novel, as well as the MMPB version of Christopher's Only Superhuman :techman:
Just finished TNG: Reunion, working on The Search, a novelization of the DS9 episode. I'm not seeing a lot added to the script on this one.
As for my reading, I just started a book called The Floating Admiral...written by a whole bunch of authors! Back in the Golden Age of detective fiction, circa 1930s, many of the best-selling writers of the day (including Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers) were part of an informal group called The Detection Club. And one day someone got the crazy idea to write a collaborative novel. Each writer produced a chapter, handed it on to the next writer, and so on. The solution was not foreseen at the outset, so the last person had to tie everything together. In addition, each contributor handed in their own solution in a sealed envelope to be printed at the back of the book. It sounds like a giant mess...but really it was just a game they played with themselves for their own amusement. And it couldn't have been that bad because they did it a couple more times. :)
I haven't read that one, but I do have and have read the next one, Ask a Policeman. In that one, there's a mystery at the outset, and the writers then swap detectives so Anthony Berkley writers a Lord Peter Wimsey story, Helen Simpson writes a Mrs. Bradley story, etc., that solves the mystery. It's a fun book.
I finished DTI: Forgotten History last night ... finally. For some reason it was just a slog for me to get through. I had a hard time engaging with all the, to use the technical term, "timey-wimey stuff." And I missed the characters from the first book. I mean, yes, they made appearances, but I kept wondering as I read thru the history of the DTI and the Enterprise's time travel shenanigans just when we would ever get back to Dulmur and Lucsly. :shrug: Ah well, can't win 'em all. :)

Interesting. I had the opposite reaction. While I DID enjoy the first DTI book, I thought the second was MUCH better.

And OT: I'm currently reading the latest (that I know of) Batman book, WAYNE OF GOTHAM.
I just finished The Eternal Tide, and it was wonderful. I haven't been so drawn to a book in a long time. I hated to put it down at all. I think it's my favorite of Kirsten's Voyager novels so far. :techman:

Next up, Brinkmanship.
I finished Star Trek: The Lost Era: The Sundered yesterday. Then I read "Richard Castle's" Deadly Storm comic. Tomorrow, I plan on starting Leverage: The Con Job.
I returned a Star Trek novel to my library having only got 1/3 of the way through, which is a first. I've struggled with a few, but forced myself through (in the case of somebecause I'd bought them, in the case of one to see if it got any more ridiculous), so this is a first.

If a novel is going to have long recaps of episodes, it needs to do something pretty damned interesting with them or it may as well be a copy and paste from Memory Alpha. It was done pretty well in Q & A, but this is one of at least two novels where it's just been horribly grating. With utterly uninteresting characters and events around them, I wound up staring at the wall of my train rather than reading it.

Oh well, I have a Terry Pratchett novel lined up next, so I'm guaranteed a more pleasurable experience. :)
I finished Sword of Damocles which I really enjoyed reading. It was a little slow at the beginning but after a few chapters it was really a page turner.

Now I will start Greater than the sum to continue my way to the Destiny trilogy.
Working my way through Sarek right now as part of my pocket novel re-read. I wish Crispin would have done more in the Star Trek novelverse. I've enjoyed all of her books. The Yesterday series was pretty good.
I'm just curious, is there a reason that this wasn't capped at 1000 posts like the last few? It doesn't bother me any, I'm just wondering.