Since it is the season has anyone had a spooky experience?

Gingerbread Demon

I love Star Trek Discovery
Premium Member
I'm yet to see proof of ghosts. Have done spooky tours and haunted house tours, nada, zip, nothing.

But, but I have had spooky experiences that I just could not explain. For example walking in the city to a bus stop at 845pm and I could swear I felt what was like breathing on or near me, turned around not a soul near me and it kept on this way till the bus stop then it stopped. Absolutely nobody was there but it felt like there was someone right behind me .
I used to work in a building where you could often hear footsteps when there was no-one there. That the building was haunted was an office joke and the sounds were put down to poor building design - just the sounds of the building moving.

One evening I was still at work after everyone had left. I hadn't locked the main entrance even though I couldn't see it because the door was so noisy you could hear anyone coming through it. Working away, I looked up to see a guy looking at me round one of the baffle boards (open plan office; baffle boards provide some privacy and cut noise). Cursing that I hadn't heard him come in, told him to take a seat I'd be with him in a moment (I had taken off my shoes and needed to put them on again). When I got to the seating area, no-one there and again I hadn't heard the door go. Whereas the first time I might have been so concentrated on work it was theoretically possible to have missed the door, this time it wasn't. Puzzled, I walked round the back rooms in case he'd got lost. No-one there.

The next morning, I was describing the event and the guy (in case anyone recognised the client). One of the minions who was a local asked me if I knew what our building had replaced. Apparently, there used to be a row of houses which were gradually bought up for development. One old guy held out and the development eventually went ahead only after he had died. I had just described the guy (and it did rather explain why he was wearing slippers).

After that, the footsteps were never heard again.

I wouldn't have believed this story if it had happened to someone else.

Edit to correct acouple of typos.
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I used to work in a building where you could often hear footsteps when there was no-one there. That the building was haunted an office joke and the sounds were put down to poor building design - just the sounds of the building moving.

One evening I was still at work after everyone had left. I hadn't locked the main entrance even though I couldn't see it because the door was so noisy you could hear anyone comeng through it. Working away, I looked up to see a guy looking at me round one of the baffle boards (open plan office; baffle boards provide some privacy and cut noise). Cursing that I hadn't heard him come in, told him to atke a seat I'd be with him in a moment (I had taken off my shoes and needed to put them on again). When I got to the seating area, no-one there and again I hadn't heard the door go. Whereas the first time I might have been so concentrated on work it was theoretically possible to have missed the door, this time it wasn't. Puzzled, I walked round the back rooms in case he'd got lost. No-one there.

The next morning, I was describing the event and the guy (in case anyone recognised the client). One of the minions who was a local asked me if I knew what our building had replaced. Apparently, there used to be a row of houses which were gradually bought up for development. One old guy held out and the development eventually went ahead only after he had died. I had just described the guy (and it did rather explain why he was wearing slippers).

After that, the footsteps were never heard again.

I wouldn't have believed this story if it had happened to someone else.

That is wild
Indeed, yikes.

When I was a kid, I was alone in a room when I saw the light flash repeatedly a couple of times. Only it wasn't a switch-activated light, you had to be there and turn it on. Might've been a hallucination, or some power station glitch... but I had recently read a story about a haunting that manifested through flashing lights. I was freaked out, for days afterward if I remember right.
My dad became incontinent in his old age and moved into my little sister's former bedroom. He was unsteady when walking so he leaned on furniture as he went from room to room. When he died, I went to help my mother with the funeral and things, and I stayed in his bedroom. One night before the funeral I was sleeping in his bed and I woke up because something was depressing the bed behind me. It slowly went down the whole length of the small bed. I knew I should turn over and look...but I just couldn't make myself do that.
Sort of related - I had a job interview once where one of the panel questions was, ‘Are you okay or think you’d have trouble working here in a haunted environment?’

Talk about a question that’s hard to answer at a job interview! :lol:

The auditorium of the high school I went to was haunted.
During a theater class we were in there doing monologues on the stage, and we all heard a drum beating down in the band pit under the stage, but when we went down there, there was no one there. The only way in or out was stairs on either side of the stage that were fully visible from both the stage and the audience, and nobody saw any body come up or down.
I used to not believe in ghosts, but after that I am more open minded.
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Years ago, my mother rented a home near the beach. She had a black lab named Jess (or as we all called her, JessDog!).

Jess was a happy dog and pretty cruisy. Mum had lived in a few places over the years with Jess, with no issues or peculiarities to speak of. One thing Jess always insisted on doing was lying on the bathroom floor outside the shower while Mum was in there. Without fail - wherever Mum lived - Jess would flop on the bathmat.

But not here. What's more, she refused to go into the bathroom. We all tried to coax her, but to no avail. She'd hop up and down on the spot, bark and get herself in a fluster as some part of her wanted to rush at us as she would in any other situation.

We went over the bathroom from top to bottom with a fine-tooth comb trying to figure out what might be bothering her. To our human eyes, it was just a bathroom - there was nothing irregular about it. Jess had no qualms about anywhere else in the house, but the bathroom was a strict no-go.

Fast forward and my half-brother flew over from Oz to stay with Mum for a week. Not long after flying back home, him and Mum spoke on the phone to catch up after his trip. Somehow, the conversation of Jess and the bathroom came up - a subject that Mum insists they never spoke of when my half-brother was in town. After mentioning Jess's aversion, my brother apparently fell silent on the other end of the phone. Mum asked him what was wrong. He then said ... he saw something.

One night on his stay, he got up to go to the toilet, which was off to the side of the bathroom. As he walked past the bathroom, he saw a silhouette in the doorway. He described it as a black outline of a person. He felt like it was staring at him. Freaked, he quickly went to the toilet and back to bed. Mum asked why he hadn't said anything. He didn't want to worry her, he said.

As I said, Mum insists the subject of the bathroom never came up. He used the house more as a base and was off tramping and other bits and bobs away from the house, so they didn't spend a lot of time together.

So yeah. I never saw anything unusual, except of course for Jess's reaction. Creepy?

But this is the time of year when new people you have recently met will identify as crazy.

Got to go back to Houdini debunking all the spiritualist. These cons have been going on for a very, very long time.
Years ago working in an office with a colleague. We were downstairs, there was offices upstairs but no one was in.

Out of the blue I suddenly got goosebumps, my colleague then said oh wow "goosebumps' l, I said how can you see them thinking she meant mine but she says 'no I just came out on goosebumps". This in itself seemed strange but then our phones beeped which they did whenever someone working upstairs ended a call. By now we are spooked and then hear creaking from upstairs like someone is moving about, then there was the sound of rapid footsteps sounding like someone was running downstairs, at this point we both went straight out the front door. When we went back in there were no further noises or strange happenings.
Dogs can sense what humans can't. This applies to the natural; why shouldn't it apply to the supernatural as well?


I recall another incident. Many years ago, I had a friend who freaked when we entered a room. We were being given a tour of another friend's house when she walked into room and immediately exclaimed "nope!" and hightailed it out of there. She was good as gold before she set foot in that particular room. I didn't know what she was on about; she'd never spoken of being sensitive to anything. She wasn't inclined to talk about it much after the incident. All she would say was she occasionally picked up on incredibly strong, sometimes overwhelming feelings in certain places. I was skeptical, but she didn't care. It didn't mean anything to her whether I believed her or not.

Years ago working in an office with a colleague. We were downstairs, there was offices upstairs but no one was in.

Out of the blue I suddenly got goosebumps, my colleague then said oh wow "goosebumps' l, I said how can you see them thinking she meant mine but she says 'no I just came out on goosebumps". This in itself seemed strange but then our phones beeped which they did whenever someone working upstairs ended a call. By now we are spooked and then hear creaking from upstairs like someone is moving about, then there was the sound of rapid footsteps sounding like someone was running downstairs, at this point we both went straight out the front door. When we went back in there were no further noises or strange happenings.

I find shared experiences compelling. So, you both got goosebumps at the same time - and neither of you recall a trigger before you started hearing noises?

Yeah, I've had cats try to kill me. It's part of their plan for world domination. My neighbor's cat moved between my legs as I was going down the steps of my deck today. And then took a swipe at me since I didn't fall that time. My little black cat, Chloe, used to stretch out on the 2nd floor stairs in the dark. I'd walk down the steps, step on her, and I'd scream and she'd scream. Very exciting.