Should there be a series nobody on the Trek BBS asked for?

Star Trek: U.S.S. Redshirt

The same ship but characters are killed off every episode and replaced by another that will be killed off in a matter of episodes, so every season has a whole new cast at the end of it.
Star Trek: U.S.S. Redshirt

The same ship but characters are killed off every episode and replaced by another that will be killed off in a matter of episodes, so every season has a whole new cast at the end of it.

Or they're not replaced and there's an ever-decreasing cast. The last crewmember realises the issue, changes to a blue shirt and lives to a ripe old age.
Of all the spinoffs only TNG , Picard and SNW were something some existing fans may have asked for. So most Trek shows fall in the "nobody on rekbbs asked for" category.
No. All future shows should be developed from here, the TrekBBS. There should always be a 97.24235687% overlap between my fan fiction and future Trek projects.
No. All future shows should be developed from here, the TrekBBS. There should always be a 97.24235687% overlap between my fan fiction and future Trek projects.
Then, people will start talking about the "2.75764313%" different rule, that was imposed on all ship designs by "the suits".
Star trek vets....someone has to evaluate and integrate all those new potential pet species discovered....and treat their illnesses before they eat everyone because they are actually the rabbit of caerbannog in disguise.
I mean, outside of Strange New Worlds, what series did anyone ask for?

And why do they even have to be asked for in the first place? Every time a new series is announced, the naysayers seem quick to say, "No one asked for this!" which really just translates into, "You're not giving me what I want."
I have yet to figure out what the naysayers actually want. "Good Star Trek" is too nebulous a term.