Sharing Starship finds from the Wayback Machine :) Ship stuff from before 2005

Ok these new ones are from: (has been defunct since 2009 i think)

Problem is i only have the small versions if anyone has all 75 so far i can find bigger ones please share? :)

Update apparently the artists real name was Chris Martin but NOT the Chris Martin known for good 3D Star Trek Renders
and he posted these on many years ago

so if anyone has his current email could tell him i need his help? :)
Hi, that's me. :)

I was actually quite surprised to see those designs up on the SSDB; I didn't submit them personally. I think Jim may have found them somewhere and added them himself. Fun fact: there was a period of time where the SSDB was down and I hosted a mirror of the Federation section. But this was (what seems like) eons ago... :)
Hi, that's me. :)

I was actually quite surprised to see those designs up on the SSDB; I didn't submit them personally. I think Jim may have found them somewhere and added them himself. Fun fact: there was a period of time where the SSDB was down and I hosted a mirror of the Federation section. But this was (what seems like) eons ago... :)

Ahh! Talent much you have sir :techman:

I think i remember that time also wasnt in 2003 i think? I only had school PC then and not one at home. Also Im also looking for older stuff that was posted at Flare during 99-06 since i didnt know the place existed back then and alot of the old stuff like Hobbes's Starfleet Medals and Ribbons are not there anymore =/

Do you have the 75 or so pics still from your old Blog site?

Internet wayback didnt save the images :(
Which blog site are you referring to? Hobbes still posts on Flare; I can ask him for his stuff. As for the rest of the material posted to Flare, a lot of those folks aren't around anymore so their stuff would be pretty hard to find.
I can email you all those images if you like. Can't send you a PM due to lack of posts.

I'll send Hobbes a message and see what he can come up with. :)