Seasons 7 is harder to get through than Season 1

I’d take seasons 1-2 over season 7 any day of the week. Whilst the scripts and acting were corny, I found the stories to be more adventurous, the music and direction to be better and just the general feel of the show to be unique. Season 7….was just bland. One of my least favourite seasons in all of Trek.
I’d take seasons 1-2 over season 7 any day of the week. Whilst the scripts and acting were corny, I found the stories to be more adventurous, the music and direction to be better and just the general feel of the show to be unique. Season 7….was just bland. One of my least favourite seasons in all of Trek.

I absolutely agree 100%. I enjoy the first 3 seasons more than the later 4 and its not even close.
I absolutely agree 100%. I enjoy the first 3 seasons more than the later 4 and its not even close.

Yep. I recognise that the production quality got a little smoother, but I take "ambitious but flawed" over "safe quality but samey" any day. I think more risks were taken in the early years, more ambition, more trial & error... don't get me wrong, I love all TNG, but enjoy rewatching the first few years of episodes the most.

Glad I'm not alone!
Next time I watch the show I am watching the first three seasons, the best of both worlds, brothers as an epilogue, then skipping straight to first contact, nemesis and picard season 3. Nice and streamlined.
Next time I watch the show I am watching the first three seasons, the best of both worlds, brothers as an epilogue, then skipping straight to first contact, nemesis and picard season 3. Nice and streamlined.
Interesting choices.
Season 7 is rough. They were clearly out of gas. That said, look at a list of episodes, there are a number that I'm pretty fond of, alongside a lot that are just complete misfires.

"Masks" is the only TNG episode I've never actually finished. The trailer for it looked awful and I shut it off about 7 minutes it. It looked terrible and, given the dodgy quality of a lot of episodes so far that year, I didn't think I'd be missing much. There are also plenty of episodes that season that I've only seen once.
"Masks" is the only TNG episode I've never actually finished. The trailer for it looked awful and I shut it off about 7 minutes it. It looked terrible and, given the dodgy quality of a lot of episodes so far that year, I didn't think I'd be missing much. There are also plenty of episodes that season that I've only seen once.
Though I kind of liked "Masks", I can understand... I changed the channel in disgust when Picard started his oh so noble speech at the end of "Symbiosis".
I find Season 7 pretty funny at least. The giant Klingon basketballer, Riker punching Picard, and Data throwing Riker in the brig in "Gambit." Worf and Deanna's conversation in "Parallels" about being Alexander's godmother. Data's phone call and the Enterprise's non-warp in "Phantasms." Captain Picard Day in "The Pegasus." ("I'm a role model." "I'm sure you are.")
Season 7 is rough. They were clearly out of gas. That said, look at a list of episodes, there are a number that I'm pretty fond of, alongside a lot that are just complete misfires.

"Masks" is the only TNG episode I've never actually finished. The trailer for it looked awful and I shut it off about 7 minutes it. It looked terrible and, given the dodgy quality of a lot of episodes so far that year, I didn't think I'd be missing much. There are also plenty of episodes that season that I've only seen once.

I really love "Masks". There's a lot of positives with it.

1. It is a great performance piece for Brent Spiner. Especially impressive once you learn how little time he had to prepare. (Basically, NO time.)

2. Picard's archaeology hobby and knowledge is well used here. It's a rare treat to see this side of Picard's toolkit, for lack of a better term, be utilized. It rounds his character out well.

3. This is more a personal preference, but I love mythology. Mythology is the very basis of this episode. (It's one of the reasons why Joe Menosky is one of my favorite writers in the franchise... his use of mythology in his episodes. He finds clever ways of using the subject.)

4. It's a cool concept. An ancient artifact that is bringing its own past back to life by reusing elements around it? It's wild and it's awesome.

I've got a few more reasons, but I'm afraid this post would run too long. If you don't to watch, I get it... we all have different tastes. But I'd recommend this one be finished, just so you can at least be able to judge it fully. You may be surprised that you'll find you like it. :)
I've always preferred season 1 over season 7 (and most of the other seasons, too). Season 7 just has way too many boring episodes and it's mostly either "previously unknown family member shows up" or "some more of the same safe stories we've had for six seasons now"... or both. Last time I tried to re-watch TNG I stopped at season 6. I just couldn't even get myself to re-watch season 7 because the episode list was dauntingly dull.

Yeah, unpopular opinion(s), probably. I know. ;)

I’d take seasons 1-2 over season 7 any day of the week. Whilst the scripts and acting were corny, I found the stories to be more adventurous, the music and direction to be better and just the general feel of the show to be unique. Season 7….was just bland. One of my least favourite seasons in all of Trek.

I couldn't agree more. I'd watch Season 1 over 7 any day of the week too. There is so much just boring stuff in S7. By that time, they totally "lost the plot", as far as I'm concerned. That's not to say you can't or shouldn't have a variety of types of stories within the same show but Next Gen became uninspired boring drama instead of exciting Sci-Fi drama.
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I've always liked "Parallels." The idea of "what if...?" was fun, and some of the variations were creative, in my opinion. I wish Trek did more like it, such as the short-lived Myriad Universes book series.

I always liked that the changes seemed negligible at first, and then gradually grew into ever more divergent realities. Of course this was done for narrative reasons (you don't want to give the plot away in 2 minutes after all), but it still made me wonder whether there was a pattern to his jumps and what the next jumps of Worf would have looked like, had they not found a way to stop them, and where he'd ultimately have ended up.
Again I think, "Force of Nature" and kind of "Inheritance" (well and "Emergence") aside, most of Season 7 was more too WTF out-there rather than outright just boring (though "Inheritance" and "Emergence" managed to be both). But I do like a lot "Parallels", "Phantasms", "Dark Page" and "Attached" as well as the more-usually liked ones "Preemptive Strike" and "The Pegasus" and the finale.

And I do think quite a bit of Season 1 is underrated, legitimately quite good and/or at least really enjoyable, "Where No One Has Gone Before", "Lonely Among Us", "The Big Goodbye", "Datalore", "Coming of Age", "Heart of Glory" and "Conspiracy", a really weird episode like "Lonely Among Us" (including with its level of energy) is, does feel a lot more enjoyable early on rather than one really late into the series.
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