scream mask appears on Star Trek III

Well, we just watched TREK III and wow, there it was. You know, I was watching that movie, and its not as bad as some say it is. I thought Shatner was right on target with Kirk. I liked the whole 'stealing the enterprise' stuff, and since my kids have grown up on shatner, sometimes at gun point, they really got into his performance. When david is killed and shatner, heck i mean kirk, falls over, it is really well done...

Well, we just watched TREK III and wow, there it was. You know, I was watching that movie, and its not as bad as some say it is. I thought Shatner was right on target with Kirk. I liked the whole 'stealing the enterprise' stuff, and since my kids have grown up on shatner, sometimes at gun point, they really got into his performance. When david is killed and shatner, heck i mean kirk, falls over, it is really well done...


It is funny you said that-I just read the comments about ST III in the new ST Magazine. They also comment on how many do not like this film, but I always loved it (much more that ST IV) and so do most of my friends who are fans. The movie is a greased-rail, it just goes by so smoothly from one well done scene to the next. There are a lot of great moments here, and Chris Lloyd is tops a Kruge.
If you honestly think that Wes Craven created his Scream mask based on a Vulcan outfit seen in a decade-old ST movie for a few seconds, then gimme some of what you're smokin':)

(but yeah, it does look similar.)

Why not ? Everyone has got his own private inspirations including weird ones. What if Craven's crew happened to saw the movie and said "that's it !". Inspiration come from this kind of details someone happened to saw once (as explain in the making-of of LOTR by P. Jackson for example). I was checking a lot of scream cast relationship with cast of star trek III through imdb oracle of bacon but it was a blank shot...

At first, I would not believe it either, I was wondering if the scream appeared somewhere else in history, like a good old pattern everyone would use and reuse but i couldn't find anything. I just say that it is a lot too similar to be a coincidence and as such, credits should go to the older one :vulcan: doesn't it ? ^

Jeez, dude, I just wanted some of your weed.:)

Same here! :techman:

Oh man, thanks for this. The whole time I'm looking at the guard and thinking, "WTF are they talking about? He's not wearing a mask!" Duuuuh.

Oh man, thanks for this. The whole time I'm looking at the guard and thinking, "WTF are they talking about? He's not wearing a mask!" Duuuuh.

No problem. I didn't see it at first either, until I took a closer look at his robe. Then my first thought was 'how in the hell did the OP even catch that?'. :wtf: :rofl:
It's threads like this that make you truly appreciate the trektoday boards!:guffaw: