Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Windu

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by cooleddie74, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    (*high fives Set*)

    Straight up.
  2. Mister Fandango

    Mister Fandango Fleet Captain

    Sep 6, 2012
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Being conscious helps though.
  3. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Being unconscious hasn't seemed to interfere with Paris Hilton's or Lindsay Lohan's social lives.
  4. Turtletrekker

    Turtletrekker Admiral Admiral

    Aug 23, 2003
    Tacoma, Washington
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    While I still consider the clone Emperor to be part of the saga, I have never really believed that it really was the original or "real" Palpatine any more than the clones Joruus C'baoth and Luuke Skywalker were the originals. I refer to him in my head as "Paalpatine".
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  5. Base_Delta_Zero

    Base_Delta_Zero Commodore Commodore

    May 4, 2004
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    The only reason the vast majority of Star Wars OT background characters got explained and expanded upon over 30+ years was because people were and are obsessed with Star Wars and wanted more of that space adventure awesomeness. When they couldn't get more, they rewatched the three films they did have until every frame was memorized and even random stormtroopers got short stories and identification numbers. Lucas then played into that by preempting the OCD behavior of Star Wars fans and came up with stupid names and backgrounds for every single lame CGI sprite that he crammed into the PT.

    Shatterpoint was meh. It tried way too hard to make Mace Windu this ultra-unique kewl Jedi who sorta uses the Dark Side, but doesn't fall to it because he is so in perfect control of himself, or whatever. It was lame. It also had nothing to do with the movie Mace, as he didn't do anything remotely like that in the movies.

    Palpatine and Boba Fett survived into the EU stories, along with a veritable army of Jedi who escaped Order 66 and random secret Sith apprentices of Vader and Palps. I have no doubt a crotchety crippled Mace Windu survived in the EU and will show his face in a future underwhelming 10-book Del Rey series. I'd just prefer he didn't show up in any future movies.

    The again, it might be amusing to have Mace Windu reappear just long enough to decapitate an arthritic, Sarlaac-scarred Boba Fett. Kind of poetic, you know. It rhymes.
  6. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Not relevant to Mace.
  7. Mister Fandango

    Mister Fandango Fleet Captain

    Sep 6, 2012
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I didn't know unconscious people screamed and stuff. Or even stood upright. Learn something new everyday.

    Hint: You clearly hear Mace grunting in pain as he's jettisoned out the window, where he was still standing, complete with Doppler effect (or whatever the proper term is) as he's projected into the distance.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2012
  8. Cutter John

    Cutter John Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I wouldn't have a problem with it, if it was just a flashback, hologram, or even a force ghost advising some new character who was struggling to rebuild the Jedi order.

    It would actually be nice having someone from the old days. I always hated that the OT crew never knew the heroics and sacrifices of their predecessors.
  9. Immolatus

    Immolatus Captain Captain

    Sep 25, 2005
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I don't think any jedi should show up in the ST. why show up now after 20+ years of fighting the empire, the rebel allience did fine without them and Luke did fine without them. to show up now is cowardly
  10. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    "BASIC, mother******! Do you speak it?!"
  11. Saul

    Saul Vice Admiral Admiral

    Dec 27, 2002
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I always thought the way he died in the prequel left the door open for his return. I thought he might pop up in the TV series at some stage and Yoda's line "There is another" could have referred to him...
  12. Shazam!

    Shazam! Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Feb 22, 2006
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    You easily bring back any member of Jedi Council via Luke watching some old Jedi Temple recordings or somthing.

    I'm not that keen on them turning up alive and then going "Great job with destroying the Empire! Sorry I couldn't make it, I was washing my hair..."
  13. Mister Fandango

    Mister Fandango Fleet Captain

    Sep 6, 2012
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    It's no different than Yoda. If Luke hadn't have sought him out, he would have continued right on hiding away, too. And he was pretty much the pinnacle of the Jedi way of life to boot.

    Hell, Obi-Wan himself was quite content hiding away, too.
  14. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Even if Sam never returns as Mace (dead, alive or whatever) it's close to a safe bet we haven't seen the end of Hayden Christensen. If Ewan wants to return as Obi-Wan's ghost then you can bet your bottom Republic credit that Hayden will show up again as Anakin's Force spirit and dispense words of advice to his aging kids, all while looking on creepily and emoting about as well as the guy on the Pringle's can.
  15. Nightowl1701

    Nightowl1701 Commodore Commodore

    Oct 29, 2011
    Orlando, FL
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Who says it's gonna be his spirit? If his destiny truly isn't yet fulfilled and the Force is still out of balance (and the nine-part saga is his story, not Luke's), then the Chosen One will have to return in the flesh. We've had the virgin birth, the child prodigy, the temptation, the suffering and the sacrificial death (among other Jesus Christ parallels) - now it's time for the Second Coming. We're gonna see Hayden Christensen's Anakin resurrected and fighting alongside Mark Hamill, I'm calling it now.
  16. Mr. Laser Beam

    Mr. Laser Beam Fleet Admiral Admiral

    May 10, 2005
    Confederation of Earth
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    It wasn't sarcastic.

    As for the films mentioned in the threadbomb: Never seen 'em.
  17. Set Harth

    Set Harth Admiral Admiral

    Mar 10, 2010
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    i think I hear him on the way down: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  18. Locutus of Bored

    Locutus of Bored Yo, Dawg! I Heard You Like Avatars... In Memoriam

    Jul 5, 2004
    Hiding with the Water Tribe
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    Except who that was was already explicitly addressed in RotJ:

  19. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I thought the "There is Another" line referring to Leia has been more or less common knowledge for anybody who's seen both Empire and Jedi, but oh well.

    As per the ultimate fate of Mace, if I had to take a stab in the dark I'd say that he either died when he was flung out of Palpatine's panoramic office window or shortly thereafter when the Republic's clone troops began their extermination of as many Jedi as they could locate (a severely wounded senior member of the Jedi High Council wandering the streets of a Coruscant under emergency conditions or martial law might be easy to track down), but who knows what Kasdan and the other folks who are going to pen the Sequel Trilogy will do with actors like Sam and Ewan McGregor that have expressed their interest in coming back.
  20. Locutus of Bored

    Locutus of Bored Yo, Dawg! I Heard You Like Avatars... In Memoriam

    Jul 5, 2004
    Hiding with the Water Tribe
    Re: Samuel L. Jackson Wants to Return as a One-Handed or Ghost Mace Wi

    I wouldn't be particularly bothered if Mace came back, but I don't really want to see him again either, and see no real compelling need to bring him back.

    That being said, I have to agree with Mister Fandango that there's no reason to think what happened to him in RotS was a likely death sentence. Surviving massive falls, being electrocuted, and having limbs chopped off have all been things we've been shown were not only easily survivable (while remaining conscious in most cases) but fairly commonplace for Jedi. Hell, the latter two are frequently survivable for regular humans, and even falls from great heights on extremely rare occasions are survivable.

    Mace was clearly conscious as he was thrown from the window, he could use the Force to slow him down below terminal velocity, given the deep layers and chasms and huge skyscrapers actual ground level could be a minute or more flight time away on Coruscant (so you should have plenty of time to react), and he could probably find any number of ledges, giant flying creatures, flying droids, or aircars to safely land on on the way down.

    On the flip side, though, none of that is any guarantee that he survived the subsequent Jedi Purge either. Maybe he did survive the fall but was hunted down later by Vader, Imperial troops, bounty hunters, Dark Jedi, or others.