Rise Like Lions - A Mirror Universe saga

The best way to get David Mack to write this book is to buy The Sorrows of Empire to show demand is there for more MU novels. It's not as if he's a newbie at Trek books. He's written a lot of Trek books and he's damn good at what he does. He's also responsible for Destiny so I'd love to see what kind of hell he can unleash against the Alliance in the MU. I think the chances are good unless TPTB are so anti-leak that they scrap plans for this book but that would be an over reaction on their part. So let's get out there and buy The Sorrows of Empire!
The best way to get David Mack to write this book is to buy The Sorrows of Empire to show demand is there for more MU novels.

Right. Ultimately, the decision on what books to buy is as much the purview of the sales department as the editors, if not more so. This is a business, after all. The place for readers to cast their votes is the cash register, not a BBS.
The best way to get David Mack to write this book is to buy The Sorrows of Empire to show demand is there for more MU novels.

Right. Ultimately, the decision on what books to buy is as much the purview of the sales department as the editors, if not more so. This is a business, after all. The place for readers to cast their votes is the cash register, not a BBS.

Yup. Case in point: Had there been more sales for PAD's Captain's Daughter, we would probably have seen more Excelsior novels. *sigh*
The best way to get David Mack to write this book is to buy The Sorrows of Empire to show demand is there for more MU novels. It's not as if he's a newbie at Trek books. He's written a lot of Trek books and he's damn good at what he does. He's also responsible for Destiny so I'd love to see what kind of hell he can unleash against the Alliance in the MU. I think the chances are good unless TPTB are so anti-leak that they scrap plans for this book but that would be an over reaction on their part. So let's get out there and buy The Sorrows of Empire!
Personally, I doubt they'd be concerned enough about the leak that they were cancel the book. There have been plenty of books that we heard about before they were greenlit that have still come out.
Besides, Mack's "hastiness" may actually be a blessing in disguise for him.

As we have given a basically positive reaction, we will probably be on his side to pressure/convince Pocket to ACCEPT THE DANG PROPOSAL!!!

That's assuming that no one at Pocket gets too pissed at the proposal getting leaked.

We already knew that a proposal for the resolution of Spock's plan was on the editor's desk from my interview with David, so the only think "leaked" was the (potential) title.
What's the point in talking about a book that does not exist?

Memories of the lost TOS episode, "Requiem for a Martian"... Sigh.

Dare I also mention novels such as "The War Virus" and "Orion's Belt", the long-forgotten Zar trilogy, and many other "lost books" - some no more than brief proposals, some whole manuscripts canceled before birth.

Seems that we're just spinning our wheels here, getting our hopes up for a novel that we all want but that we may never see. :(
What's the point in talking about a book that does not exist?

Memories of the lost TOS episode, "Requiem for a Martian"... Sigh.

Dare I also mention novels such as "The War Virus" and "Orion's Belt", the long-forgotten Zar trilogy, and many other "lost books" - some no more than brief proposals, some whole manuscripts canceled before birth.

Seems that we're just spinning our wheels here, getting our hopes up for a novel that we all want but that we may never see. :(

I think the most fun about this thread is imagining all the different ways that David Mack can off some of the more irritating MU characters! LOL!
^ Don't count on it.

Just to clear up any misconceptions, I don't think my accidental mention of this proposed project will have any effect on its chances of seeing publication. As has been previously mentioned, the most important factors in the editors' and publisher's estimation will be the sales of previous MU books, sales of my most recent books, and, most important, whether they like the proposal I've submitted.

Again, I'll keep my fingers crossed. This is a book I'd like to write for Star Trek. I hope it's one they decide they'd like to see written.
So if this is the end of the Memory Omega Project, would it be the end of the MU series too? Personally, I hope it isn't. Even if the Republic comes back I can still see alot of story potential.
still waiting for my copy of Sorrows, Amazon reckoned it was in stock when i ordered it for Xmas, no the sods are saying it's out of stock and won't be in stock again til February!
^ Don't count on it.

Just to clear up any misconceptions, I don't think my accidental mention of this proposed project will have any effect on its chances of seeing publication. As has been previously mentioned, the most important factors in the editors' and publisher's estimation will be the sales of previous MU books, sales of my most recent books, and, most important, whether they like the proposal I've submitted.

Again, I'll keep my fingers crossed. This is a book I'd like to write for Star Trek. I hope it's one they decide they'd like to see written.

But don't you at least want to change the title to wind up all the posters in this thread?

I know I would...
snakespeare, hotlink to images hosted on sites that don't belong to you is strictly forbidden on this board, please don't do it again.
So, aside from buying Sorrows which I obviously did, is there anything that can be done to make Rise Like Lions more likely to be purchased? I just finished Sorrows, and I would *love* to see how this turns out.

Would writing a letter make any difference? If so, where should I send it?
^ Save your postage. I just signed a contract to write the book and returned said contract to Jaime Costas this afternoon. Houston, we're a go!