RIP, Kirstie Alley

Indeed - if I shunned every celeb I disagreed with politically, I'd never be able to watch ANYthing :lol:.
Over at the Starship Modeler forums, in the midst of tributes and sadness, one of our posters said "One popular genre role 40 years ago doesn't erase what she became. May she RIP and be forgotten." :wtf: Jeez, man. I think it unlikely an actress that beautiful , with that many popular film and TV roles, will be forgotten because of her politics.
She was a good actress, I have enjoyed a lot of her work (especially Cheers) and I doubt she'll be forgotten soon but we also shouldn't forget that at least in her last years she said awful things and supported awful politics, that's also part of who she was. Just remembering the good and ignoring that she actively hurt people with her words would be dishonest.
I shed no tears for people who use their power to spread anti-queer bigotry and support fascism. That's not just "disagreeing with someone politically." That's spreading bigotry and supporting tyranny.