RIP, Kirstie Alley

Phaser Two

Premium Member
Her passing was confirmed today by her family. I consider Wrath of Khan to be my second-favorite film of all time, and I genuinely loved her performance (whatever the ensuing issues she had with the Saavik role), so this news shook me, particularly since it was unexpected.

"Look up, Little Cat. Look up, and see the stars." -Carolyn Clowes

She's not really dead, as long as we remember her.
Rest in peace, Kirstie.
Oooh, this sucks. TWOK is probably my equal favourite film along with Empire. Saavik fit so well into the universe and I always love how Kirstie played her. RIP.
RIP Ms. Alley. "The Wrath of Khan" was the first thing I ever saw her in. Ironically, my favorite role of hers was the abolitionist Virgilia Hazard in the "North and South" Trilogy. She and Jonathan Frakes had portrayed sister and brother.
There are some groups on Facebook that are removing every tribute to her due to her transphobic, anti-vax and pro-trump comments. Regardless of her views, I wouldn't wish death by cancer on even my greatest enemy, which she was certainly not, and I said as much only to have my comments deleted.
"Who's been holding up the damn elevator?"
"Thank you, sir."
"She change her hairstyle?"
"I hadn't noticed."


"We learn by doing." :vulcan:

Such a magically written, magically acted scene that in most media or franchises would be left on the cutting room floor if ever written in the first place.
There are some groups on Facebook that are removing every tribute to her due to her transphobic, anti-vax and pro-trump comments. Regardless of her views, I wouldn't wish death by cancer on even my greatest enemy, which she was certainly not, and I said as much only to have my comments deleted.

I am saddened that some have taken that uncalled for stance. What person does one agree with in their actions and words 100% of the waking life, I wonder? We are flawed and we must all be forgiven for our faults. I arguer with my family all the time .. but I do not shun them ..

That being said I posted a memorial thread on the Stat Trek Movie Forum here. I will post the same video link, for anyone who wishes to see this lovely and quite respecful memorial for Kirstie Alley's most memorible fandom portrayal ; as Saavik.

I am saddened that some have taken that uncalled for stance. What person does one agree with in their actions and words 100% of the waking life, I wonder? We are flawed and we must all be forgiven for our faults. I arguer with my family all the time .. but I do not shun them ..

That being said I posted a memorial thread on the Stat Trek Movie Forum here. I will post the same video link, for anyone who wishes to see this lovely and quite respecful memorial for Kirstie Alley's most memorible fandom portrayal ; as Saavik.

Indeed - if I shunned every celeb I disagreed with politically, I'd never be able to watch ANYthing :lol:.
Over at the Starship Modeler forums, in the midst of tributes and sadness, one of our posters said "One popular genre role 40 years ago doesn't erase what she became. May she RIP and be forgotten." :wtf: Jeez, man. I think it unlikely an actress that beautiful , with that many popular film and TV roles, will be forgotten because of her politics.
The opening moments of Wrath of Khan (before the Big Surprise) are some of the greatest in Star Trek. And it all rests on her performance. When she swivels around in that chair it's a big moment. We don't know that red means cadet and Kirstie was only a few years younger than Shatner was in TOS. THIS is the new captain! She has the second biggest entrance behind Shatner. Ahead of Montalban. Way ahead of Nimoy.

I saw a clip of her when she was a contestant on Match Game. She wasn't Saavik but she totally had that "Mess with me, I DARE you" attitude.

Saavik is totally in charge and completely vulnerable all at the same time. "I'm aware of my responsibilities, Mister."

I'm always sorry that she wasn't able to appear in Cause and Effect.

People who are used to every single person in movies and TV agreeing with them on pretty much everything seem to really freak out over the handful who don't. I'm not arguing for her and I'm not even agreeing with her. But I am missing her.

That being said I posted a memorial thread on the Stat Trek Movie Forum here. I will post the same video link, for anyone who wishes to see this lovely and quite respecful memorial for Kirstie Alley's most memorible fandom portrayal ; as Saavik.

That was lovely. And it's just one movie.

It's amazing how much of her performance still comes through even without dialogue. Which might explain why they were able to save her terrible line readings from on stage with dubbing in post. I still think that's an achievement to be lauded. Both to Meyer and the team for letting her and for her for rising to the challenge and knocking it out of the park.

Also one of the finest comic actors of her time.
Absolutely true.
