Rescuing Enterprise

I stuck with Enterprise for the whole ride and view it as follows:
Seasons 1 and 2 were hit or miss. There were some good episodes but nothing was great.
Season 3. Just didn’t resonate with me. I like shows that have season long arcs, but for some reason this just didn’t do anything for me.
Season 4. This was what I had been waiting for the entire time. Really thought it found its footing here.

I wouldn’t ask for a revival or continuation on TV. I think too much time has passed for that. But I would like to see IDW do a continuation much like was done for the CBS show Jericho where IDW would do seasons 5, 6, and beyond as comics. I think they were just starting to explore the topics fans wanted to see addressed and the comics are a great forum to continue that. Though, given that it was cut off at four seasons, I’m sure there’s questions on would a Enterprise comic be successful, especially considering the time that’s passed.
Yeah. I saw those books but didn’t read them because along the lines of what you said, they didn’t have reviews indicating they’d be something I was interested in. It just felt like another missed opportunity. I was thinking if they could get writing talent on par with Season 4 to write the comics, maybe?????
They already did an ENT continuation in novels. It was... not great, IMHO.
Not great at all. Can't say anything about the post 2161 novels, but the lead up to and including romulan war was... Bad. Horrible even. Why I am a big proponent of tv show revisiting that era.
The cold openings of Enterprise are something else man. "Precious Cargo" is Trip finding out some ship needs some repair work. "The Seventh" is T'Pol getting a message that the Vulcans have founds some bloke. So boring. New viewers who were tuning into their first episode back then wouldn't be enticed by this.
That is something the author Keith R.A. DeCandido has mentioned in his ENT rewatch reviews.

I never really noticed it at first airing, but I did see it on some rewatches. I couldn't put my finger on it, but he nailed by saying this exact thing.

Best example: "HORIZON". The teaser is Travis in his sweet spot, gets a call to report to the bridge. Then theme. That's it. Boring as hell.
Then you have the cold opening of "Twilight" which BLOWS YOUR JUNK OFF.
"Twilight" was so good. I always loved the TWOP recap of that intro:

Bridge. The ship is rocked with more blasts, and Reed calls out that they're losing hull plating. T'Pol -- looking AWESOME in a Starfleet uniform, and I am sorry but I am just going to have to take that as a shout-out -- gets up from the captain's chair and gives orders. A shirtless and pajama-bottomed Quantum storms the Bridge and demands an explanation. T'Pol waves her hand and orders that "someone take him back to his quarters." Two guys grab him. The ship shakes some more, Reed announces their weapons are offline, and Hoshi draws their attention to the viewscreen. Kick-Ass Effects are dancing all over the screen as a huge sphere, flanked by two smaller ships, drops out of warp in this sort of materializing-by-expanding effect. The sphere -- oh, I've got to describe this -- is belted by two flat bands that rotate across its surface. The surface of the sphere is the best part, though. It's pimpled with red things, but it looks like there's another sphere sliding under a latticework of metal, that rests on top of the first sphere but is under the bands. It's so hard to describe, but as with all amazing Star Trek effects, it looked like a toy you could buy in a science museum gift shop. The sphere, which MUST be the Xindi's Weapon of (Kick-) Ass Destruction, draws close to Earth and, mimicking the Psycho Bocce Ball, fires a frickin' laser beam at the big blue marble. Oceans boil up and land crumbles as seismic fissures open and blaze forth with molten lava. In a full shot of Earth, deep angry red cracks appear all over the globe before it blows apart in a fiery mass. Wow. That planetary destruction makes the one in Generations rend its garments, cut off all its hair, and swear never show its face again. Let me make you understand: a television show effect was worlds (hee) better than a multi-million dollar movie effect of the same exact event. Quantum pants and twitches with a weird tic. So does the Evil Dr. Mathra, but his tic is a tic of delight. Do you know what that tic means? It heralds the coming of the Delighted Dr. Mathra, the Evil Dr. Mathra's alter ego!