Rescue me....

Rescue me, who?!

  • Seven of Nine

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Chuckles

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • B`Elanna

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Tom

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Neelix

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harry

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Kes

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Tuvok

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Janeway

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • The EMH

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • You would reward them how?

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • A greatful hug followed by sobs of thanks

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • An inappropriate hug followed by a lingering kiss....

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Your phone number.

    Votes: 6 25.0%

  • Total voters


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
So you have just been rescued by a gallant member of the Voyager crew, who do you want to be rescued by?

And your reward.......:devil:
So you have just been rescued by a gallant member of the Voyager crew, who do you want to be rescued by?

And your reward.......:devil:

If you have to ask...

i would be rescued by captain janeway and the doctor (just incase i was injured). but the only thing i would want is to become apart of there crew till i die
It has to be Janeway and if she could wear her save the day vest that'd be a bonus. It would be gutting if Chakotay turned up instead.
It was a toss-up between Harry and Janeway, but I thought it might be nice to give Harry a little glory for once. Plus I could, you know... thank him profusely once we got back to the ship.
I'm rescued by both Janeway and Seven of Nine. Then I hug them both.

But the story doesn't end there...

Janeway is like, "That's a hardcore suit of Mandalorian battle-armor you're wearing." Seven goes, "True; I can't believe you needed to be rescued by us." And I go, "Neither can I" and Janeway and Seven look all surprised when I draw my pistols on them and blast them both between the eyes.

Then it goes to commercial and the viewers are all, "Huh?!"

So then back from commercial and we see Janeway and Seven waking up on board the Slave I; they're in force-field containment cells. Seven says something about a headache and Janeway suspects being stunned. "Brilliant conclusion, Capt. Obvious" I say, appearing at the doorway of the containment cell. "Though to be technical; that was a neuro-modified psi-pulse; and it'll keep the Borg from detecting the drone through the cloak." "Why have you done this?" asks Janeway. "Because the Borg are paying me nicely for you two." "Judas!" shouts Janeway, "You'd sell our hides for thirty pieces of silver!" I walk off, but turn back right as I'm crossing the threshhold of the exit. "My price is a lot steeper than that."

Next we're in the chamber of the Borg Queen. "Impressive," she says. "I would've never though that Jane..." "Let's dispense with the chatter," I interrupt the Borg Queen. "Just give me the latinum and I'll be on my way." The Borg Queen smiles and ten drones enter the chamber. "I wouldn't do that," I say; unphased, I produce a small sphere in my hand. The Borg Queen glances at it. "This is a cascading EM sub-space neuro-pulse transmitter. I push this button and the device emits a pulse that will neutranize the connection between every drone in the collective. Starting with you, and cascading along the collective network to every drone in the Borg hive-mind. One by one, and the Borg is finished. Starting with you."

"You're bluffing," says the Borg Queen. "Then call me," I say. Then we get a close up of the Borg Queen's face. Then a close-up of my helmet. A close-up of the Borg Queen's eyes. A close-up of my visor. A close-up of the Borg Queen's eyes. A close-up of my visor. A close-up of the Borg Queen's eyes. A close-up of her forehead. A close-up of a bead of sweat. "Stand back from him!" commands the queen to the drones. "He's not bluffing. Give him the latinum." "Good move," I say.

Now we are at the scene where the Queen is with Janeway and Seven who are both being held in Borg devices. "And now," says the Queen. "How long I have waited for this day. Once you have been added to the collective you will serve the Borg in ways you can not have imagined. And it will all be thanks to the..." and now the micro-filament phase beacons I put on Seven and Janeway when I hugged them activate and they both dematerialize before the Borg Queen's eyes and she screams "FETT!" and a little hologram of me appears and it says, "Nice doing business with you." and the Borg Queen is all pissed off and there's some drones standing around and she's like, "I want him dead - you all here? If'n he goes to the Andromeda galaxy I want a Borg there hiding in a bowl of rice waiting to pop a tubual in his ass."

So now we know it was all a scam just to extort the Borg. Janeway and Seven renounce Starfleet and we three travel around the Delta quadrant running the same scam; bilking the Hirogen, and then the Kazon and all those guys. Like Tuco and Blondie in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Except it's more like, the Bad, the Hot and the Hotter. Plus it's rated R. Maybe even X.
Yeah mines got to be obvious... and I'd give whatever she would take. I would be very persistent :drool:
I'd have Tom rescue me. Then I'd give him a high five, and we could walk down the corridors and talk about muscle cars and old technology, and joke about how lame Harry is. It'd be fantastic.
I would want it to be Chakotay, but first season Chakotay with the gray specs in his hair. Not season 7 Chakotay, with the overly colored hair.