Rebranding a Fan Film: Ship Design

Discussion in 'Fan Productions' started by uniderth, May 12, 2017.

  1. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    There's nothing wrong with "sublight". In fact, different ships may have different propulsion systems for sublight speeds, so "sublight engines" is probably a good generic term if you're not making a specific engineering reference. BSG muddies the waters a little bit with "FTL", because they use the term of jump drives rather than as a generic category, but I suppose you could use it generically if you wanted to. I'll probably end up using "FTL" as a general category of technologies that allow you to go from one place to another faster than light, but not any specific technology. I'll have separate terms for drive systems that operate on radically different principles (e.g. jump versus warp versus hyperspace).
  2. Potemkin_Prod

    Potemkin_Prod Commodore Commodore

    Jan 11, 2010
    Out of Here
    IIRC, there's a whole debate that underwent on the Star Trek sets about FTL and STL drives and what to call them. I believe the story is told in The Making of Star Trek, but it's been decades since I last read that book.
  3. Matthew Raymond

    Matthew Raymond Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 24, 2016
    I've been rewatching old episodes of Dark Matter, and they're using "FTL", "Sublight" and "Blink Drive". As I'm considering similar technologies, I may just follow suit. Perhaps the BSG thing just isn't that big a deal.