Powerless - New DC Universe based Sitcom

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by JoeZhang, Aug 14, 2015.

  1. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Mine doesn't, and neither does NBC's online schedule. The Zap2It TV listings (or Screener, as it seems to be called now) still have it listed for both this week and next, but the Futon Critic's listings for both upcoming episodes now have notations saying "This listing has been deleted by the network and is no longer valid." I guess some schedules are slower to update than others.
  2. Starscream2112

    Starscream2112 Captain Captain

    Dec 15, 2010
    Funny. I had not watch this show but was planning on watching next weeks episode because Adam West was in it...Oh well...
  3. Gaith

    Gaith Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 11, 2008
    Heh, that's actually an amusing premise.

    Guess this show joins the first live-action Tick in the half-hour superhero spoof junkyard...
  4. Kai "the spy"

    Kai "the spy" Admiral Admiral

    Feb 7, 2011
    Not surprising. It's amazing how a show that has a good premise, the richness of the DC Universe, Alan Tudyk and Ron Funches could turn out to be so, so mediocre (at best).
  5. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    Three new episodes just appeared.


    Although it seems I've had access for a month already without quite realizing so... I wonder if they have Time after Time?

    Phoenix219 likes this.
  6. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    So the remaining episodes are only available in New Zealand?

    I've been hoping NBC would at least release the Adam West episode online or On Demand, in honor of his passing. Assuming it's not so bad that we're better off not seeing it.
  7. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    It's fantastic, the episode with Adam West, but someone is lying, or the episodes were taken down from tvnz on demand between now and when they were posted a month ago.


    Here's the pinch.

    Adam is in episode 12, which is clearly supposed to be the final and what's listed as episode 13 is a missed episode from much earlier in the season (the production code lists it as episode 4), where Emily says that she barely knows these people.

    Why the hell do I think that there are 13 episodes?

    There's only actually 12 episodes.

    But the production code says that there is 13 episodes.

    There's a second pilot. :)

    Original pilot?

    Different cast, different script?



    It's possible that the original pilot was on TVNZ on Demand, and whoever uploded the final episodes to the internet earlier today, for criminals to view, might not be aware that the original pilot is also unseen by the public at large.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2017
  8. John Clark

    John Clark Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 4, 2008
    I know when I looked online at the TVNZ site the other day, the last episode was available - but only for a few more hours. When it was first mentioned on wiki, I couldn't get at them though:(
  9. kirk55555

    kirk55555 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jul 22, 2011
    Washington State, USA
    DC put the entire Adam West episode of Powerless up on their youtube channel (for free, obviously) for a limited time.

    Turtletrekker likes this.
  10. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    Not a bad episode -- kind of fun with all the big DC-ish stuff going on. Adam West's cameo role wasn't brilliant, but as swan songs go, it wasn't awful. (And it wasn't quite his swan song, since he already completed his voice work for the animated Batman vs. Two-Face movie that's now in production.)
  11. Dream

    Dream Admiral Admiral

    Dec 2, 2001
    Derry, Maine
    I still don't know why this show exists?

    Who thought this was a good idea?
  12. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    I think it was potentially a pretty good idea -- explore how ordinary people cope with living in a superhero universe. It's a premise that's been explored in a number of different stories, like Marvel's Damage Control comic (about a company that cleans up after superhero battles), or the movie My Super Ex-Girlfriend, or more seriously in Mark Waid and Alex Ross's Marvels, showing the Marvel Universe's history through the eyes of a civilian journalist.

    At its best, I think Powerless did a decent job of showing how ordinary people's lives were affected by the lunacy of a superhero universe -- though at its worst, it was just a generic, unfunny office sitcom with a few DCU trappings.
    Grendelsbayne likes this.
  13. Guy Gardener

    Guy Gardener Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 15, 2000
    In the lap of squalor I assure you.
    These kids are not ordinary people.

    They are horrifically traumatized victims deeply in denial about the unacceptably dangerous universe they're in who can't tell the difference between nurture and murder.
  14. Christopher

    Christopher Writer Admiral

    Mar 15, 2001
    By the way, when Wendy re-emerged from the wormhole after her adventures in Skartaris, her outfit looked familiar to me. I thought it was from Princess Mononoke, but apparently not. Did anyone recognize it?