Post a Random Fact About Yourself

LOL that sounds familiar. I'm 55 but my inner self is 30 years younger.
Writing songs os an awesome talent! I'm good at copying but I lack the imagination to write my own music. The closest I get to creativity in music is when I improvise on a blues or jazz scheme (but I couldn't write those down as I forget them immediately).
LOL that sounds familiar. I'm 55 but my inner self is 30 years younger.
Writing songs os an awesome talent! I'm good at copying but I lack the imagination to write my own music. The closest I get to creativity in music is when I improvise on a blues or jazz scheme (but I couldn't write those down as I forget them immediately).

i'm 55, too but my inner self is about 35 - otherwise i'd have to do all the shit i did again
LOL that sounds familiar. I'm 55 but my inner self is 30 years younger.
Writing songs os an awesome talent! I'm good at copying but I lack the imagination to write my own music. The closest I get to creativity in music is when I improvise on a blues or jazz scheme (but I couldn't write those down as I forget them immediately).

I wouldn't say that what I write is anything to write home about, but it's fun to do.
It's not complicated or lyrically verging on genius, no siree, but it's my shit and who cares.
As for you having a go at playing Jazz, now that's impressive.
Speaking of music, sometimes I hum the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme to piano lounge style. :D

Isn't that the same theme for all the Indiana Jones movie? I don't remember them coming up with different pieces of music each time?
There were individual themes within each movie, but The Raiders March was common to all of them.
Random fact: I'm left handed. I had to learn to do a lot of things right-handed growing up because that's just how it was.

Nowadays I am relearning things left handed, like playing musical instruments. Oddly enough, due to heart surgery last year, I have had to train myself to shoot right handed, which I had always done left handed.
Random fact: I'm left handed. I had to learn to do a lot of things right-handed growing up because that's just how it was.

Nowadays I am relearning things left handed, like playing musical instruments. Oddly enough, due to heart surgery last year, I have had to train myself to shoot right handed, which I had always done left handed.

i'm a hard right handed guy - when i bought a nail scissors in a london lefty shop the patron immediately said i was a righty as lefties were used to use the wrong tools and thus only incompetent righties would buy those scissors. :guffaw:still have and use it.
Random fact: I'm left handed. I had to learn to do a lot of things right-handed growing up because that's just how it was.

Nowadays I am relearning things left handed, like playing musical instruments. Oddly enough, due to heart surgery last year, I have had to train myself to shoot right handed, which I had always done left handed.

I am ambidexter with a preference for my right side. It has for side effect of confusing me about my right and my left. Even now (I am 58) I sometimes hesitate when I am asked to turn left or right. It can be frustrating. On the bright side, I can read in a mirror or even upside down without much effort. Came in handy a couple of times... Of course, I can write with either hand (but I favor the right one). It's useful when I get writer's cramp (from too much writing) It happened to me a few times back when I was a student. Some people saw me do that in class and they stared at me like I was a magician.:D
I'm left-handed, and so are my father, my mother and my brother. We're a family of southpaws.

I have flat feet. I mean, FLAT. Flat like a tortilla. No arches at all. In my preteen and early teen years, I wore Dr. Scholl's arch supports in my shoes. Every few months, my mom would take me to the Dr. Scholl's store where some guy would take my footprints, put my arch supports on an anvil and whack them a bit with a cobbler's hammer like he was adjusting the shape, then put them back in my shoes. They never helped me with walking or running, and my feet are still flat. Frankly, I think the whole thing was a scam.
I'm left-handed, and so are my father, my mother and my brother. We're a family of southpaws.

I have flat feet. I mean, FLAT. Flat like a tortilla. No arches at all. In my preteen and early teen years, I wore Dr. Scholl's arch supports in my shoes. Every few months, my mom would take me to the Dr. Scholl's store where some guy would take my footprints, put my arch supports on an anvil and whack them a bit with a cobbler's hammer like he was adjusting the shape, then put them back in my shoes. They never helped me with walking or running, and my feet are still flat. Frankly, I think the whole thing was a scam.

Can you run, I mean, for sports? I am told that flat fleet can be a serious impairment for that.
When I was a kid, I saw a shadow approach my bed. I reached out and nothing was there. Weirdly, it was the same house that I heard someone whispering my name (my sister claimed it was her but it doesn't explain the shadow person.)
When I was a kid, I saw a shadow approach my bed. I reached out and nothing was there. Weirdly, it was the same house that I heard someone whispering my name (my sister claimed it was her but it doesn't explain the shadow person.)

Kids have a lot of imagination that they sometimes confuse with reality. I wouldn't let that trouble me if I were you.
Kids have a lot of imagination that they sometimes confuse with reality. I wouldn't let that trouble me if I were you.

There's probably a scientific reason like sleep paralysis or auditory hallucination. I've had other weird moments throughout my life though. Who knows? :)