Plexing. Does it work?


Vice Admiral
The relaxation technique that Troi taught Barclay, tapping a nerve cluster behind the ear, does it actually have any merit? Have some days when a nice little nervous system pick-me-up would come in handy :lol:
It seemed in the show like she was giving him a placebo, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were some kind of endorphin release.
I would say, if you want, try it. If it works, use it. It's not like it has any real side effects, aside from someone noticing and asking "Why are you tapping behind your ear?"
Actually no, I've read it's a completely made up thing fro the show and is actually very dangerous. There is a nerve cluster where she says there is but if you firmly press on it repetitively, like she wanted Reg to do, you'll pass out. You can look it up online.
IIRC it's based on a legitimate technique, but I believe the source text itself used the phrase "based on", so do with that what you will.
Actually no, I've read it's a completely made up thing fro the show and is actually very dangerous. There is a nerve cluster where she says there is but if you firmly press on it repetitively, like she wanted Reg to do, you'll pass out. You can look it up online.

If you pass out then that is one form of relaxation? Maybe your only supose to do it if your in bed.

IIRC it's based on a legitimate technique, but I believe the source text itself used the phrase "based on", so do with that what you will.

EFT, along with its predecessor, Thought Field Therapy, has been dismissed with warnings to avoid their use by publications such as The Skeptic's Dictionary[11] and Quackwatch.[12]

You'll feel welcome at Gary's site. He's loving and caring, as are all his staff. And you matter. He treats the person, not the disease. Let's cut to the chase. Basically, Gary's discovered what traditional healers have known for millennia: if you can relax people, they become suggestible and you can relieve their stress, ease their minds, and allow their bodies to heal themselves.

Dangerous because it is near the carotid--you can break off any plaques--very close to choking or pass-out games kids play