Spoilers Picard Season 3 - Preview Photos/Videos Thread

The og bridge on red alert lighting and modern cameras looks so great. So much nostalgia.
Ep10 clip
Boy the D looks gorgeous in this. Her jump out of warp. The subtle dimming of the lights on the old bridge set at red alert is just the right amount of mood lighting. A nice upgrade. Although I think they forgot to flash the side panels at red alert. Also there is an editing faux pas at :46 when Picard says "Engage" the back status light is on standby yellow.

Kudos to Patrick Stewart's acting again too. His confident sounding "Engage" giving way to a look of terror and dread knowing he is committing his ship and family to a course of action that is almost certain doom.
What does the civilian ships going silent thing mean? The fleet picked off all nearby civilian ships?
So judging by that clip, I guess it's only the Frontier Day fleet that is filled with Borg and that they've taken over. It sounds like everyone on Earth is fine. If that's the case, then any Starfleet people on Earth and elsewhere and not part of the fleet, along whoever is at the Academy, should be fine. Or am I misunderstanding this and missed something somewhere?
What are the chances on a shot of the Borg Cube rising from the atmosphere of Jupiter?
What are the chances of a trip to Jupiter Station to visit Lewis Zimmerman? They already have the station model from earlier this season, they would just need to tone it back down to basics a bit. :shrug:
Thanks for postine the new Picard Pictures on the Enterprise D pictures I love these new pictures of the cast they're fantastic.:bolian::biggrin::adore::luvlove:
Ep10 clip
Troi: If Spacedock falls, there'll be nothing standing between an assimilated fleet and Earth.
Beverly: If Earth falls, everything falls. Every planet, every system.​

There's the stupid trope I know and loath. Even after several centuries of Earth being targeted by destructive forces, Starfleet and the Federation still put all their eggs in that one basket. Also hard not to see this as xenophobic when alerting other races that have their own armadas aren't even considered. No, no. If Earth is lost, ALL is lost. I'm already bored.
Troi: If Spacedock falls, there'll be nothing standing between an assimilated fleet and Earth.
Beverly: If Earth falls, everything falls. Every planet, every system.​

There's the stupid trope I know and loath. Even after several centuries of Earth being targeted by destructive forces, Starfleet and the Federation still put all their eggs in that one basket. Also hard not to see this as xenophobic when alerting other races that have their own armadas aren't even considered. No, no. If Earth is lost, ALL is lost. I'm already bored.

It's not xenophobic, it's xenocentric.

The reason why they put so much emphasis on Earth is because it is the founding location and core of the Federation and is a major central hub to the Federation. The idea is that if a mjor domino falls, the rest will eventually go as well.

We see this in Discovery, when Earth leaves the Federation and Vulcan or whatever it was called in Season 3, the Federation more or less contracted to a point of irrelevancy.

*Edit: Ni'var is what it is post romulan reunification
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