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Trying to wrack my brain. Can't think of any old absolute evil that would want to destroy the Federation/harm Picard/wipe out the galaxy off hand. I have a sneaking feeling I'm going to be disappointed at the Big Reveal.
Trying to wrack my brain. Can't think of any old absolute evil that would want to destroy the Federation/harm Picard/wipe out the galaxy off hand. I have a sneaking feeling I'm going to be disappointed at the Big Reveal.

I have a feeling it's going to be like Season 1's lovecraftian A.I tentacle thing all over again
Since it would likely be on a ship rather than a planet, it'd probably be Picard saying "Engage" if there were an Avengers Assemble moment.
Trek Untold Youtube channel has put up their new interview with Gates McFadden talking about Picard season 3 and doing her own podcast interviews is really interesting. Popcast Youtube channel did a 2 hour interview with Todd Stashwick last week and he told really interesting stories about getting to know the TNG cast filming season 3 of Picard.
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I don’t know. It’s just all the build up over 8 episodes that makes me think it’s supposed to be a big deal. Even if it’s underwhelming it won’t ruin the season. At this point I’m not even sure what underwhelming or blowing away would be. I’ll know what the answer to that will be when it’s revealed.
The issue is that they've definitely teased it out at least one episode too many, so it feels like the reveal at least needs to be a good "a-ha" moment to be worth the wait.

Realistically, the Jack/main villain end of things doesn't matter, in the same sort of way that in The Avengers, the main payoff was bringing the group together; it didn't really matter that they were fighting cardboard villains.

But this seems like a bad example of the intended three-act structure. By the end of the second act, you should know what the stakes are. This would be like waiting to pull out "I am your father" until ROTJ.
The stakes are Starfleet.
But we don't know how Starfleet is being threatened, or by whom. That much should be known by the end of Act II.

ETA: And given how much importance was placed on Vadic getting Jack, we're left with great ambiguity as to whether Starfleet actually is still in danger, or how. The implication is that they needed Jack for the plan, and they don't have Jack. So we awkwardly end Act II with a vague feeling that the protagonists have already won.

At this point, depending on how closely related the Jack reveal is to the villain reveal, I feel like we should at least have a better idea about one or the other.
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But as we still have no idea what they needed Jack for, we have no idea if they can still accomplish their objective without him. The plot is still far too vague for this point in the story.
I'll judge it when it's done. As it stands, reminds me a bit of "Hero of Ages" by Sanderson at this point. Which is a good thing.
But as we still have no idea what they needed Jack for, we have no idea if they can still accomplish their objective without him. The plot is still far too vague for this point in the story.
We’ll find out next episode. Or at the very least we’ll find out what’s behind the door.
A BTS photo was posted of "the fam" around the Titans conference table from E8 and the table display is what looks like the fleet museum inventory, fwiw.