"Parallels" Line-by-Line

DATA: It was Worf's shuttlecraft which traversed the fissure and weakened the barriers between quantum realities. If he re-enters the fissure in his original shuttle, and emits a broad spectrum warp field, it may be enough to seal the fissure and stop additional realities from emerging into our own.
Riker: What then? How do we get the Enterprise's that are already here back to where they belong?
DATA: In theory, the act of sealing the fissure should restore the barriers between quantum states. The ships would return to their own realities.
Riker: This is Captain Riker of the Enterprise. That is, the Enterprise that's indigenous to this universe. We've all encountered a Quantum anomaly, we think we have found a way to return all of us to our proper realities, but we have to find that ship which exhibits a certain quantum signature. Our Mister Data will transmit that signature to you now.

Riker waits for a moment.

Riker: Anything?
WESLEY: There's too much comm. traffic, sir. It's tough to isolate who's talking to who... Wait a minute. Here it is. Someone's responding.
PICARD [on viewscreen]: Captain, it would that we have found the quantum signature you are looking for.
Riker: Data believes that by sending Worf back through the fissure again, it would return us all to our proper realities.
RIKER: Thank you. It's good to see you again, Captain. It's been a long time.
(viewscreen Picard looks at his Riker, and Worf)


RIKER: Did they send the right shuttle?
Data: Yes, Sir. It matches Commander Worf's quantum signature precisely. I have remodulated the Shuttle's engines to emit an inverse warp field. You will need to activate the field at the precise moment you enter the fissure.
Data: That is one possibility. However, the uncertainty principle dictates that time is a factor in this equation. You may end up several days before the event or several days after. There is no way to tell.
Riker: Good luck.

Riker and Data leave. Worf and Troi face each other, uncomfortably, they hug, and after a moment, share a kiss. Worf walks to the Shuttlecraft, looking back at her with a smile before taking the controls.