overated SCIFI movies

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by RobertScorpio, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. P0sitr0nic

    P0sitr0nic Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sep 23, 2001
    Jedi Council
    The fountain. Blech.
  2. Greylock Crescent

    Greylock Crescent Adventurer Admiral

    Jun 3, 2009
    Walking The Path
    Even though I don't think it's as deep or as profound as it is purported to be, I give The Matrix credit for going the extra step and adding meaningful content to what is, essentially, a very simple Hero's Journey tale. And I do like the film. But I just can't get behind the notion that it's as commendable as many folks make it out to be, especially when the sequels are considered.
  3. zakkrusz

    zakkrusz Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jan 18, 2002
    United States
    Children of Men (Good in hypothetical concept, but man was it boring and utterly failed to capture my attention at all, and that isn't usually a hard task to accomplish.)

    I didn't like it because it spent most of the movie building up to something, seemingly grand and monumental, and then we get.....well what we got...which wasn't.
  4. MeanJoePhaser

    MeanJoePhaser Admiral

    Aug 21, 2003
    Missile Command

    12 Monkeys

    I'm not saying Terry Gilliam is bad, both are quite crumpulent movies, just overrated.

    Contact, Yeah, yeah, it's not about aliens, it's about science vs. faith. (why is there no barfing icon?) Yeah, whatever.



    Species, it's not this movie is that overrated...it's that enough people went to see the piece of shit that they made Species 2, which a crime and even Michael Madsen admits was a piece of shit.

    Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, I'll back-up this one. Self-parody of a franchise that's already homage-satire is a bad fucking move, like when James Bond gets too hokey. It also smacked of "ToD was too dark, we have to do something safe". Dude made his name with movies about melting nazis and man-eating sharks, then the suck-sess of E-muthafuckin' T turned him into a bitch for awhile.
  5. timelord1010

    timelord1010 Captain Captain

    Dec 6, 2004
    Sector 001

    So I'm not the only person who feels this way?
  6. Too Much Fun

    Too Much Fun Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2009

    Wow. I do think "Brazil" is overrated. Like "Blade Runner" it seems to get a free pass and even get considered a masterpiece by some because they're so wowed by its great special effects, costume design, and make-up. This overlooks the fact that it really has no memorable characters and the story is uninspired.

    "Twelve Monkeys" is a totally different beast, though. It has awesome performances/characters and the aesthetic qualities (special effects, production design, etc.) and a story that is fascinating, intelligent, exciting, and even humourous in a dark way. By far the best movie Terry Gilliam has ever made (and ever will make) and one of the best sci-fi movies of the 90s.

    I'm not a huge fan of "Contact", but other than the gratuitous use of special effects to insert Bill Clinton into it, I didn't think there was anything especially stupid or insulting to one's intelligence in it. I find it to be a respectfully thoughtful sci-fi movie, but nothing exceptional...just middle-of-the-road, understandably not tagged as a classic, but solid enough. Certainly better than the hollow special effects fests Robert Zemeckis has done since (with the exception of "Castaway").

    "Last Crusade" hate makes me sad. :( Yes, it's very derivative of the first one and very 'safe', but it's my favourite of the series, because I love the chemistry between Indy and his father that Sean Connery helped bring to it, and I found the holy grail a more interesting quest than those of the previous two movies. It just lacked a good female lead, but other than that, I thought it was perfect. I hated all the dark gore and poverty in the second one, so this installment was only an improvement to me.
  7. T'Girl

    T'Girl Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 20, 2009
    Farhrenheit 451
    andromdia strain
    Both cases where the books were so much better.

    Silent running
    Poor, but passable, you went not suppost to like the main charactor.

    Matrix 2
    Matrix 3
    First one stood alone quite nicely.

    Star trek five
    If you're going to have Kirk and crew look for God, let them find him. Roddenberry be damned. I found God when I was 12, How hard can it be?

    The middle third of the movie had a bunch of robo-hookers in it.

    Pearl Harbor
    That was sci-fi right? sure wasn't history.
  8. msbae

    msbae Commodore

    Jul 1, 2008
    The last few minutes of 2001 would have been great in IMAX with 3D glasses.

    The Matrix
    sucked so bad I didn't even bother with its crappy sequels.

    Alien 3
    was a disappointment.

    Alien Resurrection should not have been made.

    Serenity was pretty good as a space action flick but, it wasn't what I'd call hard sci-fi. Enjoyable but, not classic.

    Contact sucked, just because there was no aliens at the end.

    The first X-Men movie bored me when I saw it at the theaters.
  9. Nerys Myk

    Nerys Myk A Spock and a smile Premium Member

    Nov 4, 2001
    AI Generated Madness
    How in the world can this film be overrated? Very few fans, critics or casual viewers even like it!
  10. Greg Cox

    Greg Cox Admiral Admiral

    May 12, 2004
    Lancaster, PA

    Exactly, a movie can't be "overrated" if nobody in creation likes it!

    God, that was a terrible movie.
  11. timelord1010

    timelord1010 Captain Captain

    Dec 6, 2004
    Sector 001
    I vote for Watchmen, it was just hyped too much and did not live up to it. Don't get me wrong, it was a OK movie but it was definitely overhyped. In my opinion.
  12. Maurice

    Maurice Snagglepussed Admiral

    Oct 17, 2005
    Real Gone

    Ok, I'll bite. What's its theme?
  13. davejames

    davejames Vice Admiral Admiral

    Oct 6, 2001
    Sac, Ca
    I kind of enjoyed it the first time I saw it (probably because I had gotten really hyped beforehand), but man, I tried watching it a second time on blueray and just could NOT get through the thing.

    It's slow and dull as hell, with a story that's translated even WORSE than I at first thought. It goes through the motions of being deep and thought-provoking, but is really nothing more than just a flashy music video. It doesn't have a brain in it's damn head.
  14. The Boy Who Cried Worf

    The Boy Who Cried Worf Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Jul 12, 2008
    Tim Burton's Mars Attacks. Yet another film I would put in my ten worst films ever made. It can't be considered a comedy because there is no wit in the script. It can't be a drama because the aliens are presented as too goofy. Just a massive failure on all levels.
  15. Orac Zen

    Orac Zen Mischief Manager Super Moderator

    Mar 14, 2000
    Land of drought and flooding rain
    Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen.

    Others I would call overrated include the Star Wars movies (dull fairy tales that happen to be set in space), Blade Runner (whatever it is about this movie that works for people is completely lost on me), The Wrath of Khan (multiple plot holes and a grossly overrated and dumb villain), and Independence Day (jingoistic drivel, although I'm not sure how highly rated it actually is).

    I can understand why 2001: A Space Odyssey leaves people cold, but it's not an impression I share at all. To each their own. :bolian:
  16. Captaindemotion

    Captaindemotion Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2001
    How can STV be over-rated? As I said to the poster who named Van Helsing, this movie got a critical mauling, is unloved by fans - its widely regarded as the weakest of the series (with probably only Nemesis attracting nearly as much hatred) - and was the poorest performer at the box office of the movies with the original crew (only NEM did worse at the box office), nearly ending the series' cinematic run. Even Shatner acknowledges its flaws.

    Who exactly is over-rating it?
  17. The Nth Doctor

    The Nth Doctor Infinite Possibilities... Premium Member

    Jul 20, 2000
    Lost in a temporal and spatial anomaly
    I heard that! :scream:

    My list includes:

    The Wrath of Khan (and I wouldn't call it Star Trek's best, either)
    The Empire Strikes Back
    The Matrix
    Star Trek 2009

    And sadly, I have to also include Contact. I love the novel dearly, and while I think Jodie Foster was perfect as Ellie, I found the adaptation to be pale in comparison to the film. I absolutely hate how two completely different characters from the novel were merged into for the sake of giving Ellie a conflicting romantic interest. Didn't help any that he was played by Matthew McConaughy. Ugh.
  18. EnsignRicky

    EnsignRicky Commodore Commodore

    Jan 22, 2008
    Pre-Apocalyptic Earth
    The Fountain
    Star Trek '09
  19. Agent Richard07

    Agent Richard07 Admiral Admiral

    Jun 20, 2001
    Mankind's quest for enlightenment/salvation. The movie follows one man as he realizes this quest in accordance with what eastern philosophies and western religions have to say about the subject. Our central character, like everyone else, is trapped in the world. He is then pulled out and shown the true nature of the world that he's been living in. Having seen that world for what it really is, he is no longer controlled by it. He's then free to move in and out of it with full knowlege and mastery over it. He even takes on the task of bringing others to the same realization. It's a retelling of the story of Buddha, Jesus and other such figures.

    It is a simple tale, but I think it does more than add meaningful content to a man's journey. I think it takes one of mankind's most fundamental issues and tackles it head on, and it does so in an innovative and entertaining manner. For that, I think it deserves its place in the pantheon of great and influential movies.

    As for the five-hour sequel chopped into two movies, I, like most people, think that they added little, if anything to the saga. The first movie told the story and is good on its own. The other two don't diminish that.
  20. Too Much Fun

    Too Much Fun Commodore Commodore

    Feb 19, 2009
    I agree that mentioning "Star Trek V" in an 'overrated movies' thread is a bit of a headscratcher, but I'm so glad she did just because it led to this awesome, awesome quote. :techman: It reminds me of this hilarious anecdote I heard recently...

    A little girl is drawing in class.

    Teacher: "What are you drawing?"
    Little girl: "I'm drawing a picture of God."
    Teacher: "But nobody knows what God looks like."
    Little girl: "They're about to..."
