Spoilers Oh Oh..

Discussion in 'Star Trek: Picard' started by ITDUDE, Jan 31, 2020.


Commodore Oh - Romulan or Vulcan?

  1. Romulan

  2. Vulcan

  3. Is it racist that we can't tell them apart?

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  1. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
  2. SolarisOne

    SolarisOne Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    It's already been confirmed onscreen that she's a hybrid.
    Danja likes this.
  3. Shamrock Holmes

    Shamrock Holmes Commodore Commodore

    Jun 30, 2009
    Given that Henry was at least middle-aged, he could have either been promoted or retired in time for Raner to be his successor. I've also seen a speculation or two that a) Henry should have JAG or IA rather than Security, and/or b) That -- given that Pressman was Starfleet Intelligence -- Raner should have been the head of SI rather than SSEC.

    While there is limited logic for any security officers to wear gold (or the Ops if different), as in the RW, naval security is typically a Deck/Command Department function*, not an engineering one, Toddmann and Oh at least have the positive of consistency with standing practice.

    *TOS is even odder than TNG+ for this as they have Bridge Weapons Officers as Command (sensible, in line with RW), Armory Officers as Command (debatable, Engineering would seem more logical) and Security Officers as Engineers (illogical as they are not also Armory -- ENT at least zig-zags this by combining Armory and Security).
  4. Mygia

    Mygia Ensign Red Shirt

    Jan 21, 2020
    So I was rewatching episode 2 yesterday and I stumbled across something Narissa said to Narek about Oh: "Commodore Oh is quite distressed. She has been a useful ally for a long time. I can't have her turning on us."

    However, in the season finale we see Oh leading the squadron of warbirds trying to wipe out Coppelius. Obviously she is a high-ranking Romulan(/Vulcan) member of the Zhat Vash. Earlier we witness her leading Narek, Narissa, Rhamda, and others to the Admonition. She absolutely doesn't appear to be merely a useful ally here.

    What am I missing or getting wrong here?
    Yistaan likes this.
  5. NCC-73515

    NCC-73515 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 18, 2019
    I don't think Narissa should be analyzed too much ;)
    Mr. Laser Beam and Danja like this.
  6. cooleddie74

    cooleddie74 Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Apr 25, 2001
    The Warped Sector of the Demented Quadrant
    The writers didn't bother with her. Why should we? ;)
  7. SolarisOne

    SolarisOne Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    I'm still trying to figure out why Chabon allowed her to be that way. I find it difficult to believe he intended her to be that way, so what gives?
  8. F. King Daniel

    F. King Daniel Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Nov 5, 2008
    A type 13 planet in it's final stage
    The impression I got was, like Narek being the failure of the family and Narissa barely letting him carry on, Oh saw them both as likely failures and was already making plans beyond them.
    SolarisOne likes this.