New and Improved Star Trek Movie FAQ - v 2.2.4

They were done as straightforward 2K (1080p) remasters of the original master prints except for Wrath of Khan, whose master print had deteriorated and required restoration. The 2009 TWOK HD restoration took on an inexplicably blue tint, but that was corrected when they remastered the TWOK director's cut in 4K back in 2016 (a stand-alone release; the version included with all currently available with all boxed sets is the 2009 restoration of the theatrical version). So they're not upscales, but neither did Paramount do anything special to prepare those remasters.

I'm in a Facebook group devoted to TMP, and the folks there are really excited about the new 4K remaster, even for just the theatrical version due out next month, and general consensus seems to be that the 2009 remaster of that film sucked out loud. But if you're fine with "good enough," knock yourself out.

I wouldn't be against buying them a third time, in however many years, if they complete all 10 films in 4K. I might even be upgraded myself by then. But an improvement over the DVD's would be "good enough" for now.

Yeah, no way that set is legit. First off, Disney hasn't released any sort of big MCU boxed set for Region A, and the Region B boxed sets they've released have each film on its own disc.

There was The Infinity Saga box set, but I believe it was fairly limited and sold out in a short time and is listed for $1000+ on amazon and ebay.

See my answer above; I believe that was only TWOK that ended up with a blue tint. I haven't heard that complaint about the other nine.

That was probably what I remember. It's been a while and I know TWOK was discussed re: the blue tint.
I just read the OP in its entirety for the first time, and found this:
2. Why is the Klingon blood purple in TUC?
So Colonel Worf could tell that Colonel West's blood wasn't Klingon. True story.
There has been scuttlebutt that it was also so the film wouldn't get a more restrictive rating. I'm too tired right now to do the necessary research to determine if this is true or not.
I just read the OP in its entirety for the first time, and found this:

There has been scuttlebutt that it was also so the film wouldn't get a more restrictive rating. I'm too tired right now to do the necessary research to determine if this is true or not.
I've heard that too, but I don't think @Lord Garth was ever able to substantiate it further than rumors when he was initially putting the FAQ together. Even over in Memory Alpha's article about blood, they hedge their assertion by saying "the supposed reason." I can't remember whether Nick Meyer addressed the Klingon blood issue in his memoir The View from the Bridge.
I just read the OP in its entirety for the first time, and found this:

There has been scuttlebutt that it was also so the film wouldn't get a more restrictive rating. I'm too tired right now to do the necessary research to determine if this is true or not.
I've heard that too, but I don't think @Lord Garth was ever able to substantiate it further than rumors when he was initially putting the FAQ together.
The first time I ever read about it was in a Star Trek magazine in the 1990s. I don't remember which one it was, probably Star Trek Communicator, and I don't know if I even have it anymore. Most likely I threw it out about 15 years ago, give or take.

If someone else doesn't beat me to it, I'll further research this during the next few days.
I'm all for researching and verifying, but the blood being a ratings concern is honestly fairly safe to presume. That would've been an absolutely outrageous amount of red stuff flying around for a PG-rated film. I can see it squeaking by with a PG-13 on the basis of most of it being obvious CGI, but you'd still have the moments when gravity comes back on and you'd have red splatter all over the walls and looking into Gorkon's gaping wound, etc. I get a "yikes" just thinking about it!
The Klingon blood was purple for the explicit purpose of the Scooby-Doo switcheroo at the end.
Where did the time go?

I can't find a first-hand source that says TUC would've received an R-rating if Klingons had red blood. The best I could get was a third-hand source that had this to say:

(3) what color is klingon blood REALLY? : startrek (

When Star Trek VI first came out, there was a special behind the scenes or some such thing on HBO or Showtime. This question came up. The cast person answered that had the blood in that scene been red, the movie would have had to been rated R. They changed the color of the blood to assure the PG-13 rating.
From imdb: In one sequence numerous "Klingons" are shown to be shot to death, with much purple blood spilled (the blood was originally to be red, but was changed both for plot and MPAA rating reasons).

I can't find on anything YouTube from HBO or Showtime to confirm what the person above said.