Need ideas for a doctor character

What would you like to see in a doctor character on "Star Trek?"

  • An average, relatable Human

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • A new alien species

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • A preexisting species we haven't seen in a while

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Something else

    Votes: 2 25.0%

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Here's one idea I came up with today, but I don't have much to it yet. The doctor is someone who wound up becoming some kind of major villain in the erased timeline Commander Zaffar comes from, so when she learns a version of this guy is the ship's doctor, she freaks out. It's uncertain if he'll turn out like he did in her timeline, or if she's unfairly judging him for crimes he hasn't committed "yet."

But.... that's it. I have no idea what this guys' species or story would be.

One theme you could play is that your doctor does become something of a villian much like he did in her timeline but the reasons for why he/she turned into a villian are more complex than him/her just being a bad person. She finds out that their is a little more shade of grey to the person than she ever expected. Also what if her suspicions are something that ends up triggering the doctor into going down a dark path. She thought she was trying to protect people from him/her but instead ended up creating the very problem she was worried was going to happen.

A little pet peeve of mine: a ship needs more than one helmsman, more than one sensor operator, more than one (any given mission-essential duty position) to run 24/7 operations. In my world, there are always a minimum of five people on the bridge and three in engineering at all times. I have the bridge-watch officer, helm, navigation, communications, sensors, duty engineer, two warp-reactor technicians. On smaller ships (e.g., civilian cargo ship), the watch officer could double up as the helmsman / comms, aka the Pilot, with a co-pilot to handle nav and sensor. Engineering might also be reduced to a single person. On larger ships, there might be two or three more people on the bridge, and five or six, or more, in engineering. On a warship (even during peacetime), at least one weapon system would be manned, and there'd be someone on duty in medical even if only a nurse and/or corpsman.

If I were to edit you cast, I would, for example, make Ku Mopek the Lead Helmsman and put two or three other people under him, working different shifts. Maybe they're only seen at shift change and/or mentioned in passing, like when Captain Iopaz asks Mopek why the mid-shift helmsman, Kord, hasn't completed his sensitivity training yet.

Bottom line: a ship would need at least three people, and ideally four or five, for each 24/7 duty station. Your ship has, I presume, 150 to 500 crewmen, yes? Even if most of the crew are never seen or heard, I'd like to see that the main cast isn't all that there is.

P.S> Regarding my post above, "last place at medical school", just me being funny to say that you don't need to make your Doctor (or Captain / Engineer / Helmsman / etc) to be the "top of his/her class). Maybe the guy at the bottom of his class is really good at his job because he works very hard to claw his way to be successful.
A little pet peeve of mine: a ship needs more than one helmsman, more than one sensor operator, more than one (any given mission-essential duty position) to run 24/7 operations. In my world, there are always a minimum of five people on the bridge and three in engineering at all times. I have the bridge-watch officer, helm, navigation, communications, sensors, duty engineer, two warp-reactor technicians. On smaller ships (e.g., civilian cargo ship), the watch officer could double up as the helmsman / comms, aka the Pilot, with a co-pilot to handle nav and sensor. Engineering might also be reduced to a single person. On larger ships, there might be two or three more people on the bridge, and five or six, or more, in engineering. On a warship (even during peacetime), at least one weapon system would be manned, and there'd be someone on duty in medical even if only a nurse and/or corpsman.

If I were to edit you cast, I would, for example, make Ku Mopek the Lead Helmsman and put two or three other people under him, working different shifts. Maybe they're only seen at shift change and/or mentioned in passing, like when Captain Iopaz asks Mopek why the mid-shift helmsman, Kord, hasn't completed his sensitivity training yet.

Bottom line: a ship would need at least three people, and ideally four or five, for each 24/7 duty station. Your ship has, I presume, 150 to 500 crewmen, yes? Even if most of the crew are never seen or heard, I'd like to see that the main cast isn't all that there is.

P.S> Regarding my post above, "last place at medical school", just me being funny to say that you don't need to make your Doctor (or Captain / Engineer / Helmsman / etc) to be the "top of his/her class). Maybe the guy at the bottom of his class is really good at his job because he works very hard to claw his way to be successful.

This is just the senior staff. There will be other officers doing all those jobs, as on all the other "Star Trek" series.

... though now that I think of it, do most ships have more than one doctor onboard? The Enterprise D had more than one doctor, but it seems like Bashir was the only doctor on DS9 and McCoy was the only doctor on the Enterprise A.... (Voyager has the excuse of being short-staffed and stranded, but originally I think they too only had one doctor...)
So, just to put these characters into a kind of archetypal roles (this is dramatic relationship unrelated to any Starfleet rank structure or position on the ship), I’ll posit some things. This is NOT by any means the only way to look at them, but one that has been used to some effect by story tellers, past and present.

These are my notes while I was trying to figure out where your doctor might fit. I’m including them in case anyone might find it interesting. Please don’t think I’m trying to pigeon hole them, just trying to figure out where you might go with their story.

Captain Iopaz: I see her as a wounded hero. Her past has scarred her and changed her in ways she can’t fix by herself. She sees the mission as something that will help her, but there is a portal she needs to get through first.

Commander Zaffar: Mentor and partial Sidekick to Iopaz. But will probably spend time trying to re-create her prior relationship with this timelines Iopaz as a surrogate. She has her own journey trying to save her children.

Lt. Diogo: Ally: He’s cool and collected, but I see him butting heads occasionally when the tactical situation as he sees it calls for more extreme/forceful measures than the regular Starfleeters will default to. “Captain, we should raise the shields!” “No, that could be seen as a hostile act.” Etc.

Ensign Mopek: Ally/Sometimes Mentor. He’s an anomaly that I’d have to know more about. Does he exhibit any Cardassian cultural/behavioral traits, or is he simply physically Cardassian? I can guess that he’d probably be realty sensitive to people judging books, or situations, by their covers, and want to examine things beneath the surface to find out what is really going on.

Lt. Charleston: Ally. Assuming that her species reproduces like earth crustaceans, and lay many many eggs and don’t pay much attention to them. I would give her species a slightly less tolerant attitude towards those who need help in some way. They respect individually strong and competent individuals, but don’t have much time for the weaker ones. BUT encountering Starfleet (away from Klingon influence, which matched that cultural trait) Charlie has found that other viewpoints have validity, and is on quite a journey of self discovery.

Lt. Auz: I see him as a possible Shapeshifter (not physical, storywise, not always on of the good guys.) where his internal conflict may actually occasionally be at direct odds with those of the mission.

Lt. Etannis: Sidekick/comic relief. With a deeper story of her coming demise.

Counselor T’Rell: Mentor. The wise one people go to when they need help and are ready for the hard answers that they might not like, but will help.

So, you could create a Doctor that contrasts as many of the other crew as possible, while being really dedicated to keeping them alive (and enemy casualties if possible.)

Many of the crew seem highly aware of their mortality. The Captain saw her own death. Zaffar has seen her children literally wiped from existence. Etannis is from a very short lived species. So to contrast this, perhaps the Doctor could be exceptionally long lived. How about an El-Aurian (Like Guinan from TNG). This would also allow the El-Aurian time flow sense, or their understanding of it brought into play for Zaffar and the Captain.

The doctor’s sense of being a healer to any who need it would almost inherently contrast both Diogo’s war experience/security mentality where Diogo has probably made more of the enemy die for their cause than the doctor agrees with?

If Lt. Charleston does indeed have a lassez-faire approach to who lives and dies, that would contrast with the doctor’s desire to heal those who need it.

The long lived Al-Aurian in a single body gives a decidedly different perspective than the series of Trill hosts for a symbiont. So there is contrast to Lt. Auz.

AND lest we forget Counselor T’Rell. Healer of minds versus healer of bodies, but, while not technically the Counselor, the Doctor with a long range El-Aurian perspective might be able to over IDIC the Romulan/Vulcan counselor by being able to empathize and validate emotions of the crew who come to him/her.

That’s just my first impression, with some ideas and food for thought. Hope it helps.

Even if you don’t go with the El-Aurian, I think finding a way to contrast somewhat the other crewmembers would create a Doctor with a place in the story, instead of a background character.

As far as how many doctors, depends on crew size and automation level.. But really, what you want for your story. You could have a doctor and some really competent nurses, or more than one doctor.
So, just to put these characters into a kind of archetypal roles (this is dramatic relationship unrelated to any Starfleet rank structure or position on the ship), I’ll posit some things. This is NOT by any means the only way to look at them, but one that has been used to some effect by story tellers, past and present.

These are my notes while I was trying to figure out where your doctor might fit. I’m including them in case anyone might find it interesting. Please don’t think I’m trying to pigeon hole them, just trying to figure out where you might go with their story.

Captain Iopaz: I see her as a wounded hero. Her past has scarred her and changed her in ways she can’t fix by herself. She sees the mission as something that will help her, but there is a portal she needs to get through first.

Commander Zaffar: Mentor and partial Sidekick to Iopaz. But will probably spend time trying to re-create her prior relationship with this timelines Iopaz as a surrogate. She has her own journey trying to save her children.

Lt. Diogo: Ally: He’s cool and collected, but I see him butting heads occasionally when the tactical situation as he sees it calls for more extreme/forceful measures than the regular Starfleeters will default to. “Captain, we should raise the shields!” “No, that could be seen as a hostile act.” Etc.

Ensign Mopek: Ally/Sometimes Mentor. He’s an anomaly that I’d have to know more about. Does he exhibit any Cardassian cultural/behavioral traits, or is he simply physically Cardassian? I can guess that he’d probably be realty sensitive to people judging books, or situations, by their covers, and want to examine things beneath the surface to find out what is really going on.

Lt. Charleston: Ally. Assuming that her species reproduces like earth crustaceans, and lay many many eggs and don’t pay much attention to them. I would give her species a slightly less tolerant attitude towards those who need help in some way. They respect individually strong and competent individuals, but don’t have much time for the weaker ones. BUT encountering Starfleet (away from Klingon influence, which matched that cultural trait) Charlie has found that other viewpoints have validity, and is on quite a journey of self discovery.

Lt. Auz: I see him as a possible Shapeshifter (not physical, storywise, not always on of the good guys.) where his internal conflict may actually occasionally be at direct odds with those of the mission.

Lt. Etannis: Sidekick/comic relief. With a deeper story of her coming demise.

Counselor T’Rell: Mentor. The wise one people go to when they need help and are ready for the hard answers that they might not like, but will help.

So, you could create a Doctor that contrasts as many of the other crew as possible, while being really dedicated to keeping them alive (and enemy casualties if possible.)

Many of the crew seem highly aware of their mortality. The Captain saw her own death. Zaffar has seen her children literally wiped from existence. Etannis is from a very short lived species. So to contrast this, perhaps the Doctor could be exceptionally long lived. How about an El-Aurian (Like Guinan from TNG). This would also allow the El-Aurian time flow sense, or their understanding of it brought into play for Zaffar and the Captain.

The doctor’s sense of being a healer to any who need it would almost inherently contrast both Diogo’s war experience/security mentality where Diogo has probably made more of the enemy die for their cause than the doctor agrees with?

If Lt. Charleston does indeed have a lassez-faire approach to who lives and dies, that would contrast with the doctor’s desire to heal those who need it.

The long lived Al-Aurian in a single body gives a decidedly different perspective than the series of Trill hosts for a symbiont. So there is contrast to Lt. Auz.

AND lest we forget Counselor T’Rell. Healer of minds versus healer of bodies, but, while not technically the Counselor, the Doctor with a long range El-Aurian perspective might be able to over IDIC the Romulan/Vulcan counselor by being able to empathize and validate emotions of the crew who come to him/her.

That’s just my first impression, with some ideas and food for thought. Hope it helps.

Even if you don’t go with the El-Aurian, I think finding a way to contrast somewhat the other crewmembers would create a Doctor with a place in the story, instead of a background character.

As far as how many doctors, depends on crew size and automation level.. But really, what you want for your story. You could have a doctor and some really competent nurses, or more than one doctor.

I cannot thank you enough for this analysis!

I somehow never picked up on the fact that so many characters are aware of their own mortality, as you put it. But that's an undeniable running theme I've got to play with.

I'll consider the El Aurian. In fact, that could fit right into the idea of a character who wound up a villain in Zaffar's timeline; if he's immortal and everyone around him seems to be dying like mayflies, that could severely impact his moral views, in some way or another.
In short, I need suggestions for a doctor character.
A shape-shifting Vendorian, the shape-shifting ability varies within the species, he can become a object, but his natural abilities do not allow him to assume the appearance of another person.

While a good person, he's a ... well he's a bit of a coward.

When the shit hits the fan, he will typically change into a sofa or a section of wall.

His multiple tentacles make him a excellent surgeon, and according to rumors a favorite with the female crew members.
A shape-shifting Vendorian, the shape-shifting ability varies within the species, he can become a object, but his natural abilities do not allow him to assume the appearance of another person.

While a good person, he's a ... well he's a bit of a coward.

When the shit hits the fan, he will typically change into a sofa or a section of wall.

His multiple tentacles make him a excellent surgeon, and according to rumors a favorite with the female crew members.

Not sure if I'll use that for the doctor, but I LOVE this idea for a "coward" character. Morphing into the sofa or the wall, lmao XDDDDDDDD