Need Help Finding Klingon Academy Mods

Darth Corleone

Hi! All, I just started replaying KA again. I'm looking for some of the custom ships like the USS Defiant and the Borg Sphere to play some custom missions. If You have any KA custom mods please reply. Thanks DC.
Thank's for the quick reply. However, I been surfing for about a week now all the threads from GOOGLE for KA Mods and I've been to these sites. had a thriving mod xommunity with a great forum and many LW 5.6 ST space object submissions.
I'm looking for some of the KA custom mods that are needed to play some of the QB2 custom missions. Keep Looking... DC
From what I understand, someone hacked one of the main servers with KA mods on it, and a lot of them were lost. :(
Yes! I know avout the hack, too bad. However, I been emailing the owners of some of the KA sites that are still up hoping to get a reply, Someone out there may have Kt'Hyla's Modpack 1.0 by Darth Raven. Most of the best missions use the custom mods from the pack.
Meanwhile, I just got my hands on a SW Super Star Destroyer ship mod for KA and mabe the Princess hid the mod pack in a Battle Droid.
I have found all the mods I downloaded for the game. Most of them are ships, but good ones.

Here are the ship mods I have (from my QBShips text):

B Borg Cube = Borg Cube
ZC Phoenix Warp Experiment = PHNX Phoenix
ZC Phoenix (AI Model) = PXAI Phoenix
F Starbase 375 = FSB Starbase 375
F Predator NX = USS Predator NX
F Runabout Judge = USS Judge
F Runabout Jury = USS Jury
F FSTAM USS Steamrunner = FSTAM USS Steamrunner
F vIt'etlh Class = FCLX USS Vengeance
F Constellation CS = FCS USS Zenith
F Ambassador Class BCE = FAM USS Excalibur
F Chimera Class Prototype = USS Chimera
F Eagle DE = FDE USS Eagle
F USS Enterprise Class = FETF USS Enterprisebeta1
F USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E = FSV USS Sovereign
F FGA USS Galaxy = FGA USS Galaxy
F FGAX USS Enterprise = FGAX USS Enterprise
F Voyager Type 9 Shuttle = VT9 Eddington

I also have the updated phaser.txt and dat files.

Nice list Dude, I'll make a list of the Costom mods I have and post it. Most of them are from site or uels that are still up and alowing downloads. I'm trying to find the Official KA QBships List. The 1.2 update may have added some ships also.. However I did find a list of the Star Wars mods that I'd love to have.
*Star Wars Ships*
- Star Wars Units - = ISD Emancipator
SW Super Star Destroyer = SSD Executor
SW Imerial Star Destroyer = ISD Emancipator
SW Victory Star Destroyer = VSD1 Corrupter
SW Interdictor Cruiser = INT Grappler
SW Corellian Corvette = CTRNS Tantive IV
SW Millenium Falcon = CORT Falcon
SW CAC Cruiser = Home 1
SW Imperial Tie Fighter = Talon Squadren
SW Imperial Tie Interceptor = Avenger Squadren
SW Droid Fighter = Droid Fighter
SW A-Wing = A-Wing
SW Imperial Station = Death Star ProtoType
SW Eclipse Star Destroyer = Eclipse SSD
SW Droid Fighter = Droid Fighter
SW Lambda Class Shuttle = Shuttle Tydirium
SW Cylon Raider = RAID Raider
SW Imperial Tie Bomber = Tie Bomber Low
SW Imperial Tie Fighter = ff1
SW Imperial Tie Fighter = Tie Fighter Low
SW Imperial Tie Interceptor = Tie Interceptor Low
SW Colonial Viper = VIP Viper
SW Millenium Falcon = Millenium Falcon
SW Rebel X-wing = Red 3
SW Lambda Class Shuttle = SHU Tydirium
SW Strike Medium Cruiser = STRKC Scvthe
SW Victory Star Destroyer = VSD2 Vanguard
SW Imperial Tie Fighter = Tie Fighter Low
Dear J, Here are the Fed (F) Ships from my QBships List.
*Federation Ships*

F NX90432 TransWarp = FTRA TransWarp
F FDH GCX Defiant-A = GCS Defiant A
F Exel. USS Lakota (TNG) = FBCH2 USS Lakota
F USS Prometheus = MVAV USS Prometheus
F Missouri BB = FBB1 USS Missouri
F Yamato BB = FBB2 USS Yamato NX
F Ulysses DN = FDN USS Ulysses
F Excelsior BCH = FBCH USS Excelsior
F Lexington CC = FCC USS Lexington
F Constitution CA (Refit) = FCA USS Enterprise
F Constitution CA (OLD) = OCA USS Kestral
F Miranda CL = FCL USS Reliant
F Akula DD (Refit) = FDD USS Akula
F Akula DD (OLD) = ODD USS Ajax
F USS Prometheus = MVAV USS Prometheus
F USS Saratoga FCL = FCLC USS Saratoga
F USS Equinox! EC2 = FEC USS Equinox
F Nova Class Science EC1 = FEC USS Nova
F Okinawa FF = FFF USS Okinawa
F Oberth EC = FEC USS Grissom
F Wasp Attack Shuttle = FAS Attack Shuttle
F Pirate Ship = Black Pearl
F EGS Endgame Shuttle = Endgame Shuttle
F Endgame Intrepid Class = Endgame USS Voyager
F Executioner Class Warship = USS Executioner
F Freedom Fighter XDHA = USS Freedom Fighter
F vIt'etlh Class = FCLX USS Vengeance
F Runabout Judge = USS Judge
F Runabout Jury = USS Jury
F Killer Wasp = FASA Killer Wasp
F Monitoring Station = FBL Monitoring Station
F Battlestation = FBS Battle station
F Starbase = FBT Fed Starbase
F Science Station = FSS Regula 1 Science Station
F Comm Satelite = FCSI Comm Sat
F Defense Satelite 1 = FDS1 Defense Satelite
F Defense Satelite 2 = FDS2 Defense Satelite
F Defense Satelite 3 = FDS3 Defense Satelite
F Type 2 Shuttle = FS Shuttle
As you can see some of these mods came with the game. I will edit the list when I get a vanilla KA QBships list.
I do need almost all of Your F ships.
These are the ones I need--->

ZC Phoenix Warp Experiment = PHNX Phoenix
ZC Phoenix (AI Model) = PXAI Phoenix need
F Starbase 375 = FSB Starbase 375
F Predator NX = USS Predator NX
F FSTAM USS Steamrunner = FSTAM USS Steamrunner
F Constellation CS = FCS USS Zenith
F Ambassador Class BCE = FAM USS Excalibur
F Chimera Class Prototype = USS Chimera
F Eagle DE = FDE USS Eagle
F USS Enterprise Class = FETF USS Enterprisebeta1
F USS Enterprise NCC 1701-E = FSV USS Sovereign
F FGA USS Galaxy = FGA USS Galaxy
F FGAX USS Enterprise = FGAX USS Enterprise
F Voyager Type 9 Shuttle = VT9 Eddington
If You can zip or rar them amd email them my email is .. Please let me know what F ships of mine you wish to have. Thanks again DC.....
Re-Reply to John. Opened up the Zip, all the ships are there. However, none of the ships have any Texture or GFX files. I think we may need the original file archive that came whih each ship. What To Do? What to Do?
Any Ideas???? DC.
Allmost all of the ships I have I saved the complete zip or rar archive.
Did You just install these ships on a new KA install? Or did you just start playing KA again on an old install?.......DC
Hi, Im looking to find a couple of mods for Klingon Academy - the maquis raider and borg sphere. had them a few years ago but have lost them over time and im having to luck finding them online. I know there was a hack and that many of the mods have been lost but was hoping that someone out there may have these mods. If anyone does would REALLY appreciate if you could email them to me at have quite a few other mods for KA myself so if theres anything ur looking for pls email me and ill see what i can do. Many thanks!
This is the list of QB ship mods I have currently installed (working):
Some of the zipped files have been lost, however, let me know if what you want is available.
*Federation Ships*
F Science Station = FSS Regula 1 Science Station
F Starfleet R&D Facility = Jupiter Station
F Comm Satelite = FCSI Comm Sat
F Defense Satelite 1 = FDS1 Defense Satelite
F Defense Satelite 2 = FDS2 Defense Satelite
F Defense Satelite 3 = FDS3 Defense Satelite
F Type 2 Shuttle = FS Shuttle
F Federation NX-Class Starship = FNX NX-Class
F FDH GCX Defiant-A = GCS Defiant A
F USS Excelsior (BCH) = USS Excelsior
F USS Enterprise (CA) = USS Enterprise
F USS Fesoan 2 (Okinawa) = FFW USS Fesoan
F USS Fesoan 2 (Okinawa) = FFX USS Fesoan
F USS Firebrand = FFBD USS Firebrand
F Freedom Fighter XDHA = USS Freedom Fighter
F FGA USS Galaxy = FGA USS Galaxy
F FGAX USS Enterprise = FGAX USS Enterprise
F TMP Oberth Class EC = FEC USS Grissom
F TMP Jester Class Light Corvette = FECC USS Jester
F TMP Clarke Class Clipper = FECB USS Clarke
F TMP Greer Class Corsair = FECA USS Greer
F TOS Federation Headquarters = TOSSB Fed Fleet Headquarters
F Endgame Intrepid Class = Endgame USS Voyager
F EGS Endgame Shuttle = Endgame Shuttle
F TMP Spacedock Shuttle = FTS Spacedock Shuttle
F TMP Surak Shuttle = TMP Shuttle1
F TMP Surak Shuttle (Warp) = TMP Shuttle
F TMP Travel Pod = FTP Travel Pod
F TNG Prometheus Class DN = Prometheus Class DN
F TNG Prometheus Primary CA = Prometheus Primary CA
F TNG Prometheus Secondary CA = Prometheus Secondary CA
F TNG Prometheus Tertiary CA = Prometheus Tertiary CA
F Atmospheric Shuttle = ATS
F Deep Space Nine = DS9 Deep Space Nine
F Runabout Rio Grande = FDUA USS Rio Grande
F Runabout Danube = FDUB USS Danube
F Runabout Shenandoah = FDUC USS Shenandoah
CAX Enterprise K = CAX Enterprise 1701-K
CAX Verelan Teelis = CAX Verelan Teelis
CAX Tisr Kisak'i = CAX Tisr Kisak'i
CAD Confed Combat Drone = CAAD Drone 129411

*Borg Ships*
SP Borg Queen Ship DN = Borg Queen DN
SP Borg Tactical Cube BB = Borg Tactical Cube BB
SP Borg Cube BB = Borg Cube BB
SP Borg Assimilator DN = Borg Assimilator DN
SP Borg Barge BCH = Borg Barge BCH
SP Borg Tactical Sphere CC = Borg Tactical Sphere CC
SP Borg Pyramid CA = Borg Pyramid CA
SP Borg Scout Cube CA = Borg Scout Cube CA
SP Borg Sphere CL = Borg Sphere CL
SP Borg Probe DD = Borg Probe DD
SP Borg H DD = Borg H DD
SP Borg Raider FF = Borg Raider FF
SP Borg Detector X EC = Borg Advanced Detector EC
SP Borg Detector EC = Borg Detector EC
SP Borg Workbee WB = Borg Workbee
SP Borg Unimatrix Complex = Borg Unimatrix
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