Mod & Admin Change

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Romulan Curmudgeon
Another month, another admin. Bonz is late again. I actually have a great excuse this time, but nevermind.

At any rate, thanks to RevdKathy for the extra month of administrator. This month's victim is another Brit, Holdfast!

We're losing a GTD mod, tafkats, gobbled up by real life. Thanks so much for all that you did, tafkats and I hope that you hang around the board, now that you're "free".

Comments to the applicable thread in QSF.
Re: Mod & Admin Change

Welcome to the new admin, and may God have mercy on your soul!:thumbsup:

Yes, Bonzie, it really is me! I haven't dropped off the face of the earth! Just been snarled at work-but I'm back!

Lord save us all!:guffaw:
Re: Mod & Admin Change

We're gonna have to lock these before people start spamming.

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