Contest: ENTER Miscellaneous Avatar Contest: You Are Such a Pest!


Fleet Admiral
Premium Member
Welcome to the all new Miscellaneous Avatar Contest! :)

This weeks theme is You Are Such a Pest!

Since the agricultural revolution insects or small animals that humans don't want to share their crops with have been considered pests.

For contemporary humans a pest is any organism that spreads disease, causes destruction or is otherwise a nuisance. Some examples of pests are mosquitoes, rodents, and weeds. Not all insects are pests.

A pest can also be defined as an annoying person, especially a child.

Other interpretations of the theme are also welcome.

Image sizes of avatars must not exceed 200x200px and file sizes must not exceed 1mb.

You may enter up to 3 times.

Enter now! :mallory:
Here's one to get the ball rolling..

ARGH! There's a fly on my danish!