Contest: ENTER Misc. Avatar Contest: World Humanitarian Day

Kai "the spy"

As always when I don't know what theme to go with, I look up what's being celebrated around the time. And this Saturday happens to be World Humanitarian Day, which is "dedicated to recognize humanitarian personnel and those who have lost their lives working for humanitarian causes".

So, your entry should show either humanitarian workers, or people who died working for humanitarian causes.

As usual, entries may not be larger than 200x200 pixels and/or 1 Mb data, and keep it safe for work.

Two entries per user.

Now, let's do some appreciating of proper good people.

Red Cross humanitarian aid workers in Ukraine
Okay, I think I did indeed pick a theme that was to close to the last one. But since there are entries from at least two different users, I'll see it through. If somebody should want to yet join in, you have about a day, for this is the LAST CALL!