Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: The Corporate Graveyard

Avro Arrow

Vice Admiral
So Elon Musk seems to be trying his absolute hardest to try to run Twitter into the ground... and possibly take Tesla down with it. But if Twitter is going to fail, it would just be the latest entry in a long string of companies that are no longer with us.

Our theme this week is companies that no longer exist. This can either be through bankruptcy/going out of business, or through other means, such as being acquired by a larger company and then being absorbed into that company instead of continuing under its own identity. Any kind of company is OK: retail, financial, manufacturing, restaurants, whatever you like!

Standard avatar rules apply: your entries must be no larger than 200 x 200 pixels, and 1 MB. Entries must be SFW, and no media images are allowed. (News and documentary sources are OK.) Each person may enter up to three images, and the contest will be open for about a week or so.

It's also OK for just a country's branch/subsidiary of a company to have gone under, even if the parent company survives. For example, my first entry:


Target Canada, which infamously failed fast and failed hard when Target tried to expand their operations into this country.

(As an aside: if you're interested at all, this is a really good article on the failure of Target Canada. It's a longer read, but it provides great insight into all the different things that went wrong, causing this launch to be disaster of such epic proportions that it is basically a case study of how not to expand into a new market.

The Last Days of Target: The untold tale of Target Canada's difficult birth, tough life and brutal death )

I know it's a bit of an unusual topic; I'm just trying to come up with things we haven't done before. Hopefully the thread doesn't end up becoming a graveyard itself. ;)

Have fun! :techman:
Last call! I am planning to put the poll up Sunday night local time, so roughly 48 hours from now.

Here are my final two entries:


Canada Trust. Acquired by the Toronto Dominion Bank in 2000. It was the largest financial services company in the country that wasn't one of the Big Five chartered banks. (And yet, surprisingly hard to find images of online, a scant 23 years later.) After the purchase, TD renamed their commercial banking operation to "TD Canada Trust".

And I was originally going to use something else for my third entry, but I think I am technically required by law to go with this one:


Avro Canada. Avro was a major industrial company, with operations in aircraft manufacturing, steel, railcar manufacturing, coal, computer systems, and more. By 1958, it was the third largest employer in Canada. It was dissolved in 1962, with its divisions either being merged into its parent company, or sold to outside interests. (One of its subsidiaries eventually became SPAR Aerospace, which built the Canadarm for the space shuttle.)

What I really like about this one is that it's the rare opposite to my Target entry: one where the US parent went bankrupt, but the Canadian subsidiary was sold off and still operates as Toys R Us Canada to this day!

Interesting that they specifically say "land camera". Did they make underwater Polaroid cameras?
When I think corporate graveyard…I just think of the ED 209 blowing away some suit.

Braniff still exists I take it.