Contest: ENTER Misc Avatar Contest: Seasons Stressors


Fleet Admiral
Premium Member
While Christmas is known as “the season to be jolly,” in reality it can be a significant source of stress, pressure, and conflict for many... A lack of time and money, credit card debt, and the pressure of gift giving can often contribute to stress during the holiday season.

Standard Avatar Contest Rules:


Max image size 200x200px.

Max file size 1mb.

You may enter as often as you wish.

This is the only stressor I have this holiday:
This may not be a popular answer, especially this year, but one of the biggest stressors of the season for me is...



Usually it's just the regular BS of dealing with my family (and more specifically, one especially toxic member of my family who basically turns the holidays into torture for the rest of us).

This year, I thought at least all of that would be absent, since we wouldn't be able to get together. But then I found out that, incredibly, my family still thought it was a-OK to get together this year as if nothing else was going on. So then I've had to deal with the constant guilt trips and abuse for my decision to actually listen to what all our elected officials and health officials have been telling us for weeks: only celebrate with people within your own household.

So still not going. There are family members I will definitely miss seeing. But overall, Christmas Day should be a lot more peaceful this year! :)
This is the last call for entries!

While Christmas stress has already given way to buyers remorse for many, you still have the rest of the year to get your entries for this contest in! I'll post the poll some time in early 2021. :bolian:

Time. Or more appropriately, lack thereof. There is always so much to do, but the regular life things don't stop in the meantime, so there just never seems to be enough time to get done everything you need to.

I thought with the pandemic things would be a bit easier, and they kinda were, but with the extra time I gained doing all my shopping online, I kinda ended up procrastinating more with other stuff, so there was still a crunch in the last few days. I know, I know, my own fault, but still... :lol: