Contest: ENTER Misc Av Contest: All I Want for Christmas...


The Blooness
Premium Member yooooooooouuu." Not now, Mariah.

This week's contest is what you really want for Christmas--anything real or imaginary, philosophical or practical.
It could be anything from a new roof to a mansion, an end to famine or disease, or even just a new pair of shoes. It could be spending more time with your kids to a change in the political regime. It could be world peace or a long vacation. If all you want for Christmas is a really good turkey sandwich, then make an avatar of a really good turkey sandwich. Anything goes.

Standard av rules apply: 200 x 200 pixels max, 1 MB max and worksafe. Keep it PG, please.
eta: let's start with two each.

Here's mine:

Cat cuddles. Never can get enough.

I also want this to happen
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Just being able to celebrate Christmas with the family. I'm the bachelor uncle in my family, and last year we had to celebrate apart, and thanks to the likelyhood of new restrictions here in Germany, it might happen again this year.
having read the actual contest information I might change the chocolate nativity avatar to something even less real-

but for now we have

#2 Murasaki 312
Murasaki 312 avatar.jpg

from TOS S1E6
Murasaki 312 screen capture 1.jpg

It's only two weeks away, I guess I can start thinking about Christmas now... :shifty:


Money. I know it's selfish and greedy and a little cliché... but I could really use it. :(


I would like the world to get off this path we're on towards turning our one and only home planet into an uninhabitable wasteland.