Mental Wellness Support Group

Sounds like you've had a terrible time.

It's amazing that human beings seem incapable of realising that bombarding people with emails isn't going to get a situation sorted any faster. .If someone's having to deal with emails then they can't get on with the job.

there's nothing I can do to help but I would say is that I bet every single one of your other coworkers has felt exactly the same at some point so you've got nothing to beat yourself up about.

I hope things will feel better soon.
Thank you for the kind words. I really needed the reassurance as I had to cancel my appointment with my therapist today half an hour before it started so that I could instead work overtime to sit through a post-mortem meeting scheduled by our upper management because the client is demanding answers about who exactly screwed up and where.
Well, just to provide an update, these past few days were pure unadulterated emotional whiplash. The issue got resolved although it didn't placate the client, so I've been having post-mortem meetings, Teams calls, chats and e-mails with a whole lot of people including our CTO (whose language has reached one f-word per second at some point) and a pair of internal reviewers, and I've been told mixed messages to the point where I didn't just not know if I'm off the hook, I couldn't even be sure if anything was actually blamed on me to begin with. The internal reviewer told me that both the client and the CTO have blown this incident out of proportion, it would've happened anyway without me making a mistake, and it's primarily the process that needs to be fixed, while the CTO had attached an e-mail chain to the invite to the post-mortem meeting in which they singled out my delay in triggering the update as the sole root cause of everything that happened. Luckily, they didn't attend the meeting that just ended half an hour ago, but it still felt like I was being court-martialed, with one executive flat-out demanding that I clarify if I had simply made an error in judgment or actually straight-up forgot to do my job, while our department head played the role of the good cop and kept reassuring that we were looking for ways to improve the process, not to point fingers.

I guess as no one told me there would be personal consequences for me, I should feel relieved, but I still can't believe this is over. I just hope I can finally get a proper good night's sleep after all this stress, I almost feel like I aged a decade over these four days.
Well, just to provide an update, these past few days were pure unadulterated emotional whiplash. The issue got resolved although it didn't placate the client, so I've been having post-mortem meetings, Teams calls, chats and e-mails with a whole lot of people including our CTO (whose language has reached one f-word per second at some point) and a pair of internal reviewers, and I've been told mixed messages to the point where I didn't just not know if I'm off the hook, I couldn't even be sure if anything was actually blamed on me to begin with. The internal reviewer told me that both the client and the CTO have blown this incident out of proportion, it would've happened anyway without me making a mistake, and it's primarily the process that needs to be fixed, while the CTO had attached an e-mail chain to the invite to the post-mortem meeting in which they singled out my delay in triggering the update as the sole root cause of everything that happened. Luckily, they didn't attend the meeting that just ended half an hour ago, but it still felt like I was being court-martialed, with one executive flat-out demanding that I clarify if I had simply made an error in judgment or actually straight-up forgot to do my job, while our department head played the role of the good cop and kept reassuring that we were looking for ways to improve the process, not to point fingers.

I guess as no one told me there would be personal consequences for me, I should feel relieved, but I still can't believe this is over. I just hope I can finally get a proper good night's sleep after all this stress, I almost feel like I aged a decade over these four days.
What it sounds like is that half the people involved (ie the people doing the shouting) really have no idea of how things work. They find it easier to try and blame an individual rather than do the hard wok of looking at the real problem.

From what you've said, I'd agree with the internal reviewer . There'll be a little more grumbling from the stupid people and then they'll shut up and forget about it. Of course that doesn't make you feel any better but it does mean that you are out the other side.

Hope you get your good night's sleep and that things seem better in the morning.
There's no way to make people not be afraid of black people. Until that problem is solved psychology can't really cure mental illness. A psychologist who's afraid of their patient because their patient is black probably can't be all that helpful. It makes more sense to invent a way for people to not be afraid of black people, instead of expecting psychology to treat mental illness. When the racism problem is fixed the mental illness problem becomes fixable.
I know this post is technically spam, but -- ultimately as long as psychologists continue to deliberately avoid interacting with black people and/or African-American people, there will never be a way for psychologists to do their job effectively. That's probably the curse of having racist psychologists and people who practice psychology under the presumption that they can also practice psychology on themselves if they ever need mental help too. That's what's sad to me, honestly.
"Psychologists" are retarded because they're racist. At the risk of being banned for spamming, it probably needs to be said that psychologists are ultimately too afraid of black people to be able to do their jobs effectively
I know I could be banned for saying this but I might just add that Star Trek is only considered to be techno babble because they don't comprehend how the universal translator only works by cyclically banning black people online for their posts being spam then pretending that because they didn't say the N-word that they're magically immune to being racist. That way my point in general gets tied into the overall theme of TrekBBS for the sake of authenticity.
I know this post is technically spam

If you know that, then maybe don't do it?

For now, I am going to give you a friendly on the spamming/more than two posts in a row thing. I am being patient because I know at this point you can't edit your own posts. But you kind of made your point already and now are just repeating it. Please don't knowingly spam the board, or I will have to resort to formal infractions.

"Psychologists" are retarded

I will however, have to issue a formal infraction for using a slur. Comments to PM.

I am assuming you are speaking from personal experience with a racist psychologist, and if so, I'm sorry for what you went through. However, I don't think it's probably fair to say that all psychologists are racist/afraid to interact with Black people. Not to mention the fact that there are Black psychologists, too.
I know I could be banned for saying this but I might just add that Star Trek is only considered to be techno babble because they don't comprehend how the universal translator only works by cyclically banning black people online for their posts being spam then pretending that because they didn't say the N-word that they're magically immune to being racist. That way my point in general gets tied into the overall theme of TrekBBS for the sake of authenticity.

This is not only off topic, but it barely makes sense. Are you specifically looking to be banned to prove some kind of point? I am going to give you a reply restriction for 24 hours because at this point you don't seem to be engaging in good faith discussion.
I got another job interview tomorrow, at a shoe store this time. If I get turned down after this interview, I might go back to meeting with the guy that had been helping me before or possibly look into vocational rehabilitation.