"Memorial" Line-by-Line

CHAKOTAY: Because I'm on your side. I want to end this conflict as much as you do. Let her go. It's safe now. The killing's over.
EMH: His norepinephrine levels are three times what they should be. Neurochemically speaking, he's suffering from a form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
JANEWAY: Three members of the same away team. Did you run into any kind of trouble while you were gone?
EMH: Your engrammatic activities contradict that, Commander. These are real memories, not mere dreams or hallucinations.
JANEWAY: Maybe you were abducted, manipulated into fighting. Our memories have been tampered with before. We're going to retrace your mission. Start reviewing the Delta Flyer's sensor logs. See if you come up with anything unusual. How long before Neelix is back on his feet?
JANEWAY: Do it. Each of you seems to hold a piece of the puzzle. Let's see if we can start putting them together.
[Briefing room]

PARIS: I don't remember much, just bits and pieces. I dreamt I was on a planet in the middle of a battle. I have no idea how I got there. I can't remember.
KIM: When I was in the Jefferies tube I heard weapons fire, screams. People were screaming. I got so frightened