Spoilers Meet the bridge crew of the USS Titan-A


Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral
Terry Matalas tweeted pics and bios of the bridge crew of the USS Titan-A:

Ensign Sidney LaForge - Helm. Unlike her sister, Alandra, she didn't want to build ships, she wanted to fly them.

Lt. Matthew Arliss Mura. Tactical -- has served on the new Titan for last 3 years and is exactly who you want at that station when you hear "give 'em everything we got!" Lt. Mura is Bajoran.

Lt. T'Veen, Science Officer. Vulcan. Several Captains fought to have her on their bridge. The Titan won.

Ensign Kova Rin Esmar. Haliian. Communications. They graduated at the top of their class and speak over 72 alien languages.

Captain Liam Shaw. A former engineer with a long history within Starfleet. More on him later...

Seven of Nine - Titan's first officer who was placed into an accelerated Starfleet program against her own judgement. Well, more on her on February 16th.

Thread with pics:

Except for Captain Shaw. But I get the feeling we're not supposed to like him.

My guess is that Shaw will resent having Picard and Riker on board. He feels like they will "take over" his ship for their own adventure that could possibly endanger his ship. And there could be a "too many cooks in the kitchen" dilemma. When the mission starts to presumably rescue Crusher, who is in charge? Is it Shaw since he is the captain or is it Riker who also has a rank of captain or is it Picard who is a legend and an admiral? Shaw may feel like his authority is being undermined if Picard overrules him or issues orders he does not agree with. Plus, we the audience are rooting for our TNG heroes so we will feel like Shaw is standing in the way of Picard and co.
Would they really want to open the can of worms of
"Booby Trap" having aged very very poorly and have to acknowledge how Geordi was a creep and then overcame it?

Think it's very strongly implied by

one of Geordi's kids, building ships, probably coming after Leah ;)
So, Geordi and Leah... :whistle:
Would they really want to open the can of worms of
"Booby Trap" having aged very very poorly and have to acknowledge how Geordi was a creep and then overcame it?
I hope that Sidney is named after a member of Geordi's family and that's where the name came from. Hoping. If not, then not the end of the world, but yeah. What happened in "Booby Trap" and "Galaxy's Child" wasn't a good look for Geordi.
I hope that Sidney is named after a member of Geordi's family and that's where the name came from. Hoping. If not, then not the end of the world, but yeah. What happened in "Booby Trap" and "Galaxy's Child" wasn't a good look for Geordi.

Here's another thing too. If you last saw "Booby Trap" and "Galaxy's Child" as a kid, or it's completely escaped your memory and you're relying on a summary, the "creep" factor might be going over your head. I last re-watched it in 2018 when I finally got TNG on Blu ray, and it left me feeling deeply, viscerally uncomfortable in a major cringe way. In universe, there are most likely ethical boundaries around the Holodeck, and at what point using it for what we all imagined but was left in subtext until STLD crosses said line. But even with that handwave, it's still a major thing. I really hope they square this circle in a different way.

ADDED: Now that this thread has a spoiler tag, can we just talk openly about the elephant in the room?
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I hope folks also remember that Leah ends up smacking Geordie down and he realizes what an idiot he was being.
That's kinda-sorta what the whole moral of the entire subplot was.

Also, how the holodeck can be misused with the participant not entirely seeing how it's wrong, by getting caught up in ones own fantasies.
They carried that idea even farther with Lt. Barkley and his addiction.
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My guess is that Shaw will resent having Picard and Riker on board. He feels like they will "take over" his ship for their own adventure that could possibly endanger his ship. And there could be a "too many cooks in the kitchen" dilemma. When the mission starts to presumably rescue Crusher, who is in charge? Is it Shaw since he is the captain or is it Riker who also has a rank of captain or is it Picard who is a legend and an admiral? Shaw may feel like his authority is being undermined if Picard overrules him or issues orders he does not agree with. Plus, we the audience are rooting for our TNG heroes so we will feel like Shaw is standing in the way of Picard and co.

So a Decker, then.* ;) Matalas said somewhere that he expects the captain to grow on people, so maybe we're supposed to come to appreciate him just before he has a heroic sacrifice moment.

*(Affectionate. I like Decker a bit more than I like Kirk in TMP.)
We *know* he didn’t do anything weird with the Leah hologram, and we know the enterprise holodecks always messed up. He was mooning at a linked-in profile screenshot for sure, as it were, but I think the reading of the two episodes that is popular now exaggerates a *lot* of the stuff.
I mean, he nearly did get weird, but ultimately didn’t.
I think most fans will be ok with Mrs. LaForge being Leah.
Ensign Sidney LaForge - Helm. Unlike her sister, Alandra, she didn't want to build ships, she wanted to fly them.

Ah, but mention "detached nacelles" and see if she doesn't change her mind...

Lt. Matthew Arliss Mura. Tactical -- has served on the new Titan for last 3 years and is exactly who you want at that station when you hear "give 'em everything we got!" Lt. Mura is Bajoran.

The Prophets be praised! He's no ensign. That's nice. Got that kink worked out...

Lt. T'Veen, Science Officer. Vulcan. Several Captains fought to have her on their bridge. The Titan won.

Engaging in single combat to secure her services is most illogical. A good vision and mental plan are more sensible. The Captains are really in T'Veen!

Ensign Kova Rin Esmar. Haliian. Communications. They graduated at the top of their class and speak over 72 alien languages.

Only 72 alien languages? Gee, I hope they visit those planets.

Captain Liam Shaw. A former engineer with a long history within Starfleet. More on him later...

Captain Liam Shaw? Descendent of Liz??? Does he know Tim Shaw?

Seven of Nine - Titan's first officer who was placed into an accelerated Starfleet program against her own judgement.

Will we hear Seven addressed as Commander Hansen? Hmm... Will she prefer Commander Seven of Nine? Commander Seven? Commander Nine? She belongs to a new collective. Will she honor that?
AGT is supposed to be "ambigious" in its truthfulness but we or some more surface level fans would probably moan if the names were not lined up, and it also itself makes some ambiguity by having some things line up with what we did see.