Contest: VOTE May Art Challenge - Vote for Your Theme!

Vote for FOUR!!!! Vote for FOUR!!!!

  • Specific Show -- Deep Space Nine

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Transporter Malfunctions

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • The Menagerie

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • The More Things Change

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Body by Brand Name

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • The New Next Generation

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • This is Me/Us

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Beginnings

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Where My Heart Is, Beyond Antares

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Tall Tales

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Fighting Stance

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We're All Friends At This Table

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Timekeeping

    Votes: 4 26.7%
  • Not Good Enough

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where Do I Go From Here?

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • A Fate Worse Than Death

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Believe It Or Not

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Matte Painting

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Storyboard

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Premium Member
April's Challenge is well underway, but we also have next month's Theme to decide and you have until the poll closes on the 1st May to vote for your FOUR favourites.

Please feel free to vote whether you intend to create an entry or not, we want to generate as much interest and participation as possible. And let us know how you've voted below and why: what piques your interest about each theme, what you think we might see. You never know, your thoughts could just be the spark that lights someone's imagination and leads to a new piece of Star Trek Art.

We have Ninteen (!) Themes suggested by BBS members for you to choose from and you can vote for FOUR!!!

Details for each Theme are as follows:

Specific Show -- Deep Space Nine
Dedicated to art inspired by one specific Star Trek show/era. Each month you have the opportunity to vote for a different era cycling through: TOS/TAS --> TNG --> DS9 --> VOY --> ENT --> MOVIES --> DSC --> PIC --> LDS --> PRO --> SNW --> TOS/TAS --> ...

Transporter Malfunctions
Duplicates, amalgamations and transmogrifications. Oh my!

The Menagerie
We hear about Berengarian dragons, and Andorian bulls, and Orion wing-slugs, and Terrelian seapods and the like, but didn't get to see them. What do they look like? How big are they? What kind of environment do they live in? Will they eat you?!?

The More Things Change

Time may move at warp speed, but not everything does. Show us how something Trek has changed over the years - landscapes, buildings, ships, people, beliefs.

Body by Brand Name
Since certain iconic brands are bound to survive or be revived in the future, what would a starship/uniform/base, pretty much anything, look like if it was built or designed by a particular company? Not limited to products or types of products the company makes. So what about a starship designed by Tiffany/Swarovski? A tricorder from Blackberry?

The New Next Generation

Show what would follow your favorite incarnation of Star Trek.

This is Me/Us

Insert yourself in some kind of art...whether a photoshop, hand drawing, or costume photo...something where you show yourself (or a friend/relative).


A New Year is here so taking inspiration from that show us some Trek Art related to new Beginnings. It could be inspired by something from the start of your favourite series or show us the beginning of a new mission, the introduction of a new character, ship or family member.

Where My Heart Is, Beyond Antares

How do characters/species show their love for each other? Friends, parents and kids, true loves...anything you want.

Tall Tales
Or, a funny thing happened on the way to Delta Vega. Dedicated to those adventures that are the most bizarre and unbelievable, the ones where if you described them to someone they'd reckon you'd done a little too much LDS - Abraham Lincoln floating in space, holograms taking over the Enterprise, being shrunk to the size of a toy, evolving into a lizard?! Or perhaps you can think of something even weirder than those we've seen on the show.

Fighting Stance
Show hand-to-hand combat at its best and worst - honorable surrender, self-sacrifice, using someone as human/alien shields, no mercy, knock down drag out, fancy footwork, anything goes!

We're All Friends At This Table
Depict characters from different backgrounds forgetting their differences, crew of a ship coming together, cooking being a universal language, enemies declaring a truce, etc. all centered around eating and drinking.

We know our Starfleet crews get themselves into all sorts of temporal scrapes, but how do they (and other galactic citizens) tell the time wherever they are? Apart from stardates, the odd PADD/viewscreen display, Sisko's Saltah'na clock, and a couple of "antique" 20th century watches, what do contemporary timepieces look like in the Star Trek time periods? Especially those from worlds other than Earth? After all, not everywhere has a 24 hour day...

Not Good Enough
Art inspired by unpopular episodes.

Where Do I Go From Here?
Everybody has unanswered questions about what became of their favorite characters, love-to-hate'em characters, and blink-and-you'll-miss'em characters. So where does their life take them in the future? Poetic justice, or a better life?

A Fate Worse Than Death
What's a particular character's worst nightmare? No killing them off.

Believe It Or Not
What constitutes an urban legend in the Trek universe? Mysterious creatures, celebrity sightings, gossip about famous legendary Starfleeters...what stories do the new recruits whisper by warp's glow?

Matte Painting
This one is another blast from the past. Back in the days before cgi, an elaborate setting was created in painting form to either serve as an establishing shot (eg Janus 6 and Starbase 11) or something into which live action could be inserted (eg Delta Vega and Scalos). For this challenge, create a matte painting depicting one of these approaches to show the setting of your own idea of a Star Trek setting we have yet to see.

In the words of Wikipedia, a “storyboard is a graphic organizer that consists of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture” or television show. Here you can try your own hand at the process, creating a storyboard for a sequence from your own Star Trek story involving established or imagined characters.

Remember, you can choose FOUR!!!

Thanks for voting, have fun! :bolian:
It's close and there's still a couple of days left. If anyone else wants to vote, now is the time. :)
We're into the last hours of the vote and we have a tie. Can someone break it before the poll closes?
Phew, the tie is broken and the Trek Art denizens have chosen their theme for May and it is:

Matte Painting
This one is another blast from the past. Back in the days before cgi, an elaborate setting was created in painting form to either serve as an establishing shot (eg Janus 6 and Starbase 11) or something into which live action could be inserted (eg Delta Vega and Scalos). For this challenge, create a matte painting depicting one of these approaches to show the setting of your own idea of a Star Trek setting we have yet to see.

And for those of us from whom "photorealism" is a scary word >raises hand< there is also the opportunity to depict a matte painting for one of the animated shows. Or, you could create a matte for your very own stylized Trek-iverse.

Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas and voted. Looking forward to seeing your art.

Have Fun! :bolian: