Marvel Cinematic Universe spoiler-heavy speculation thread

What grade would you give the Marvel Cinematic Universe? (Ever-Changing Question)

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Sure, but unless a big chunk of the rest of the team actually lives in the Great Lakes/West Coast, it kind of begs the question why they'd even bother constantly teleporting there to be a hero team instead of just doing it where they already are.
At this point, they need a solid core team of beloved characters for Avengers 5/6.

I'm good with Chris Evans returning for those films now, and co-leading the team with Sam. Cap Prime and Cap. They need a big splash like that to win back audience interest, and it's probably too soon to bring back RDJ and cheapen his death.

With Steve, you could just have aged Biden Steve take a super soldier serum that de-ages him,. This is a Steve that has 60-70 years of new memories and experiences, so you'll have some cool ground to explore for his character.

Also, Doctor Strange, Shang-Chi, Star Lord, Black Panther Shuri, and Spider-Man are probably the other characters that would work on the team for mainstream audiences. They all had films that did well in Phases 4/5.

Rumor is Tobey Maguire and Hugh Jackman will be the main leads for Secret Wars. That would be a hype move if true.
While true, there's something special about having the same Steve from Phases 1-3 that audiences already connected with. And he has all the experiences of the Infinity Saga.

Also it saves us time from getting to know a brand new variant.
There are no MCU movies coming out next year, with the exception of Deadpool. How long has it been since we've had only one Marvel movie in a calendar year?
It's a great idea.

Deadpool 3 has the potential to make a lot of money. Perhaps a Billion Dollar grosser. It comes out over the summer 2024. By then, everyone would have forgotten about "The Marvels."

It has the Fox X-Men, and it doesn't have to world-build the MCU, it can literally make fun of it for 2 hours. Make fun of the giant Tiamut hand coming out of the ocean.

Cap 4 and the 2025 releases have the harder job. They actually have to take themselves seriously in the current MCU, and somehow work. They have enough time to right the ship if they want to.
At this point, they need a solid core team of beloved characters for Avengers 5/6.

I'm good with Chris Evans returning for those films now, and co-leading the team with Sam. Cap Prime and Cap..

That would undercut Sam's journey and ascension into the role as the one and only Captain America, and reinforce some of Isaiah Bradley's beliefs about the system / part of the American population never accepting / letting a black man be Captain America. Bradley was speaking in general, but having Rogers come back to the role as some sort of "co-Cap" amounts to the same thing from Sam's perspective / experiences. Very bad and disastrous media move if Marvel/Disney tries that.

That, and Evans' social media post--that "Sam Wilson is Captain America" was his way of saying he moved on, and the CA role belongs to Mackie.
Call him 'Nomad.' Problem solved. Either way, general audience interest would be through the roof if Steve was leading the team.
There are no MCU movies coming out next year, with the exception of Deadpool. How long has it been since we've had only one Marvel movie in a calendar year?

Well, one MCU movie (though it still feels weird to hear Deadpool called an MCU character), but there are three "Sony's Spider-Man Universe" films slated for 2024 -- Madame Web, Kraven the Hunter, and a third Venom movie.
Finished both Infinity War and Endgame, and have to admit that Marvel Studios actually proved that they can deliver non-formulaic storytelling, since I would never have guessed that we'd get a 'Fetch Quest Campaign' (Infinity War) and post-Apocalyptic Dystopia slash Heist Movie (Endgame) combo out of what started out as a fairly straightforward series of character slash superhero team origin stories.

Having said that, though, I don't think Endgame was quite the epic payoff to a decade of movie releases that Marvel Studios wanted it to be (Box Office success notwithstanding) and think that they should've made both it and Infinity War a lot sooner than they did.
I doubt that will happen. If that was the real intent, it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense for a team that obviously also should include people like Captain Marvel, Shang-Chi and Dr. Strange to be started by Kamala recruiting Kate Bishop. Especially when so many of those people already know each other.

I do think there's a high chance the name 'Young Avengers' won't be used, except maybe as a joke/one-liner, since they obviously didn't cast for a bunch of teenagers. But they're almost certainly intended to be a separate team or at most one of multiple sub-teams of the Avengers, not the singular Avengers replacement team. Possibly they'll use the Champions name, or else maybe call them the 'New Avengers' or something else with less comic book pedigree.
Champions would probably the next logical choice since Riri, Kamala are both core members of the modern version.
Again, I will say my pitch for a new Chris Evans movie.

Basically, do a standalone historical movie/prequel, ala The First Avenger. But we follow Steve as a middle-aged dude with kids, trying his best to keep incognito so as not to screw up the timeline/let others know about his superpowers. I'd personally set the movie in 1968, but arguments could be made to put it in other places.

Aside from Peggy Carter, the movie could bring back Howard Stark as a friend who helps Steve keep a low profile. Most interestingly, they could involve Isaiah Bradley as a young-ish man. Steve would also have teenage kids.

What I like about this idea is there are two great aspects of internal conflict that need to be resolved:
  1. Steve is a guy who wants to do all he can for what is right, but he knows he needs to not be a superhero - publicly - if he wants to ensure the timeline doesn't get screwed up.
  2. Steve has been changed by his time in the 21st century. Where he was formerly a fish out of water when it came to how "old fashioned" he was, now he's a man ahead of his time. How will he deal with the blatant racism of many during the Civil Rights Movement for example?