Mallory joins GTD, EEMeltonIV exits stage left



One of the longest current serving members of staff is leaving us today. :(

EEMeltonIV joined the staff in October 2000 as moderator of the then General Discussion forum.

For those of you who can remember that far back:

- The admin staff looked like this: Dr Jekyl, DEAverification, Christian and some newbie admin who'd been in the job for a month called Lisa.
- Ee and susannah used to have a flirting thing in misc that was seriously amusing. His co mod in the GD forum was the sadly missed Simple Elim Garak.
- The Voyager forum was the most popular forum on the BBS, and its mods at the time were: aussie_voy_fan, maxi, and da Woim.
- Misc Forum moderators were me and susannah. Biggest posted in thread that week in misc was entitled 'The one word game... yet again.' Some things never change, I guess.
- The SciFi & Fantasy Forum was called 'General Science Fiction' and was moderated by Caillan. And yes, we had a Star Wars forum.
- TNZ was the newest forum on the board, arriving in early May that year. It had the unimaginative description of 'Sensitive issues and description suggestions.' I can still remember the early topics when we tried to come up with a name for the forum. Its a shame Doris never took off, really.

Anyway. Enough of that. If you want any more, look it up yourself at the internet archive.

I wanted to show you all just how long EE has been on the staff and the effort he's put into the board.

Thank you very much, EEMeltonIV. You've been exemplary throughout your time here. I hope you won't forget about us all together.

The only good thing about such a mod leaving is that there's an equally impressive character about to step into the hole in the General Trek Discussion forum.

Ladies, Gentlemen, the indifferent or undecided: I present to you Mallory newest Trek BBS staff member. Be careful with him. His paint is still wet so cut him a bit of slack, 'kay?

I know Mallory is going to fit into the staff set up brilliantly. Welcome to the staff!

You can comment on this thread here in QSF.
>> Ee and susannah used to have a flirting thing in misc that was seriously amusing.

"Flirting"? "Amusing?" Oh, apparently my heartfelt overtures for love and devotion were misinterpreted. No wonder I'm stepping down. Yeesh.

Seriously though. Any GTD regulars these days will realize that I am not a "regular" myself, and I'd think that'd be a prerequisite for modding. Priorities (e.g. work, school, training) have picked up and I just don't have the time or energy to devote to the BBS.

I'll try to post once in a while, but can't make the promises. Off and on, the Trek BBS has been a wonderful distraction from the tumult of real life EEMeltonIV-land, and I'm grateful for the presence of both the BBS and its old time posters -- although I'm leaving a few dozen people out, da Woim, Cirrus and, in particular, susannah have been wonderful folks with whom to exchange in both Trek and non-Trek dialogue.

Y'all're a fun group and I wish you the best. For my own part, I'll try not to follow Simple Elim Garak's disconcerting disappearing act.

Ta ta for now.