Looking for a site that does a future technology of the week type feature?

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by Maximum7, Jan 4, 2018.

  1. Maximum7

    Maximum7 Ensign Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
    For my RPG world and idea generation, I am constantly looking for new future technology ideas. Does anybody know of a blog or a site that has this kind of feature? A featured "technology of the week"? I've tried Futuretimeline.net, Nextbigfuture, SingulariyHub and they don't have this. Their used to be a site called SomethingPossible that updated every Sunday but it mined mostly from Wikipedia. I'm looking for possibly a under the radar site or obscure blog that does this. Planetpailly has Sciencey Words every Friday but the words aren't always futuristic. The Future This Week on Serious Wonder ended in 2016 and Robert Bignell's site presents 5 sci fi novums but a lot of them I have heard of already or actually exist. I can't find anything else. I've tried every search
  2. publiusr

    publiusr Admiral Admiral

    Mar 22, 2010
  3. jamesraykenney

    jamesraykenney Ensign Red Shirt

    Jan 30, 2006
    Beaumont, TX USA