Spoilers Loki season 2-- spoilers and discussion

Majors was held for a few hours, because it's drunken behavior, they don't let people out until they sober up, then they put a protection order on him, against his victim, then he was arraigned, and did not go to jail, no bail was required.

A month ago, the person accusing majors of damage, fled the country, because they were accused of assault too, and the case against Majors fell apart as the only witness was gone.

Johnathan is free and clear last I checked, and was never unavailable for reshoots, although Marvel was paused, waiting to see if Majors was going to be convicted, or vindicated.

the prosecutor declined to charge the girlfriend. his trial starts November 29th.
the prosecutor declined to charge the girlfriend. his trial starts November 29th.

I was listening to some random old Youtube last night and one of the talking heads said "What about Doctor Doom?"

When I was researching my previous post about what has now been proven to be wrong, one tactless SOB suggested that the runner was paid by Marvel or Majors to run, because the charges were weak tea.

The name I was surprised to see rolled up into all of this is Megan Good.

Kang is dating a Shazam.
The way they talk about this season and especially Tom calling it the "grand finale" feels like this is definitely the end of Loki. Can he make more appearances down the line, sure. Same for the rest of the cast. But Loki, as it was in these two seasons, is done. And I'm fine with that. In fact, I prefer it.

I know I keep saying this in every thread that has him in it, but it's such a damn joy hearing Ke Huy Quan talk about his return to acting and the incredible success he quickly found. I teared up right along with him when talked about his phone call from Kevin Feige.

I loved (I forget who said it) the comparison to Loki's timeslipping to Billy Pilgrim's experiences in Slaughterhouse-Five, a novel I definitely need to read again because it's so damn good (least of all because of the timeslipping).
the Marvel Studios Assembled episode is up.

I was watching this, looking at a shot of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson in period clothes, and it occurred to me, "Someone should cast them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Hiddleston has aged into a Basil Rathbone-ish look, I think, and he should lean into it. Although the question is, can Wilson do an English accent?
I was watching this, looking at a shot of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson in period clothes, and it occurred to me, "Someone should cast them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Hiddleston has aged into a Basil Rathbone-ish look, I think, and he should lean into it. Although the question is, can Wilson do an English accent?
I'd watch that!
Of course, that would up the number of MCU Sherlocks Holmes to four, after Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, and James D'Arcy (Jarvis from Agent Carter). And it would be the fifth MCU Watson, after Ben Kingsley, Martin Freeman, Jude Law, and John C. Reilly.
Although the question is, can Wilson do an English accent?
Irrelevant, really. A small modification (it would be an adaptation, after all) to suggest Watson grew up in the US and only arrived in England in his early 20s, thus too late to have the accent. Certainly a smaller modification than many others foisted upon either Holmes or Watson in film/TV adaptations.
I was watching this, looking at a shot of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson in period clothes, and it occurred to me, "Someone should cast them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Hiddleston has aged into a Basil Rathbone-ish look, I think, and he should lean into it. Although the question is, can Wilson do an English accent?
I think he just does the Owen Wilson accent.
I was watching this, looking at a shot of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson in period clothes, and it occurred to me, "Someone should cast them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." Hiddleston has aged into a Basil Rathbone-ish look, I think, and he should lean into it. Although the question is, can Wilson do an English accent?
That would be awesome!
looking at a shot of Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson in period clothes, and it occurred to me, "Someone should cast them as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson."
Funnily enough, when that episode was on last month, my mother saw a scene with the two of them and thought I actually was watching Sherlock Holmes.
I watched the Assembled episode last night, and it definitely had some interesting insights into what into putting the season together. I was shocked just how much of the sets and things were practical. It's nice to see more and more movies and shows going back to using more practical stuff mixed in with the CGI.
I was shocked just how much of the sets and things were practical. It's nice to see more and more movies and shows going back to using more practical stuff mixed in with the CGI.

That part didn't surprise me, since most of the season took place in the TVA standing sets anyway. I was a bit surprised that the huge umbilicals on the bulky containment suits were CGI additions, but I guess that makes sense, since the suits would've been hard enough to move in as it was. It was also weird seeing that the horns in Loki's final costume were mostly CGI extensions. (Which makes me wonder why The Mandalorian and Ahsoka had to shorten Ahsoka's montrals from the animated version to be more manageable for Rosario Dawson to wear the appliance, rather than just use exactly that kind of CGI extension. But then, I guess that would've been a lot more work, since it was just for a couple of minutes' worth of shots here.)

I was surprised by how much trouble they had creating the prismatic lighting effects in the Loom monitor room. They talked about all the weeks of trial and error they went to in order to print up computer-designed rainbow-pattern filters to put over the LED arrays and whatnot, and I wondered why they didn't just try using old-fashioned prisms. I mean, heck, the edges of the leaded glass windows in the house where I grew up created a similar effect whenever the sun shone through them.

One thing struck me that I didn't notice in the show: They didn't point it out specifically, but I realized that the building where O.B. lived as a sci-fi author on the timeline was a redress of his office in the TVA. It was the same big cylindrical room with the same shelves along the sides, just with different paint, furnishings, etc. I guess maybe O.B. retained some subconscious memory of his former life and built his workspace to match his old one.
One thing struck me that I didn't notice in the show: They didn't point it out specifically, but I realized that the building where O.B. lived as a sci-fi author on the timeline was a redress of his office in the TVA.
That one kind of jumped out at me in the show, at least the similarity.
I know I keep saying this in every thread that has him in it, but it's such a damn joy hearing Ke Huy Quan talk about his return to acting and the incredible success he quickly found. I teared up right along with him when talked about his phone call from Kevin Feige.

Literally!! His happiness and energy is also just so infectious you can’t help but feel happy for him. He was also sooo perfect for OB, definitely my favourite new marvel side character :hugegrin:
I think Loki and Sylvie should have hooked up. They should have leaned into Loki being with a female version of himself. They could have done a whole Grease number with the lyrics changed to "I'm the one that I want".
One other thing I didn't realize is just how much Loki really was Tom Hiddleston's show. I had no idea how involved he was in all the different aspects of it. I never watched the Assembled episode for Season 1, so if they talked about it there, I missed it.
Tom has been playing Loki for over a decade, Love the character and actor, but how long do you expect someone to play the same guy? Time to move on, do something different.
Love to see the other guys/girls show up in other shows/movies though, especially OB.