Last Classic Who Story you watched

Just finished "Robot". Quite silly, and the final part features some of the worst effects I can remember seeing in Who, but wonderfully entertaining regardless. Any episode featuring both Sarah Jane and the Brigadier is always worthwhile.
Delta and the Bannermen

I'm continuing going through Seven's serials in order, I know this is only his third one, but it's taken me this long to get around to buying it.

Actually it's a pretty fun story, a tad on the silly side, but McCoy, being my favorite Doctor makes it extremely watchable.

Still not a fan of Mel, be glad to see her off next story...and that means ACE! Always good to get a nice helping of Ace (my favorite companion, if you couldn't tell ;)).
Still not a fan of Mel, be glad to see her off next story...and that means ACE! Always good to get a nice helping of Ace (my favorite companion, if you couldn't tell ;)).

:techman: I was pretty keen on Ace back in the day
The Green Death.

Jo Grant's final serial. A good story brought down somewhat by the writer's problems integrating the story of the giant maggots and the AI together. These elements would have probably worked better as two separate stories.

I also think Jo's departure was sudden. None of the preceding stories had any buildup or mention of her desire to leave. That said the final shot of the Third Doctor just getting in Bessie and leaving was an excellent ending.
Rewatched episode 3 and 6 of The Wheel in Space...

It's a shame the other episodes have been lost to the savages of time... Zoe was an amazing companion, and The Wheel in Space is a fantastic story

The Green Death.

Jo Grant's final serial. A good story brought down somewhat by the writer's problems integrating the story of the giant maggots and the AI together. These elements would have probably worked better as two separate stories.

I also think Jo's departure was sudden. None of the preceding stories had any buildup or mention of her desire to leave. That said the final shot of the Third Doctor just getting in Bessie and leaving was an excellent ending.
All the Classic Companions exits are sudden (With the exception of Teagan harping all the time about being over it). In the case of Jo Grant though, at least there was a 6 episode story where she fell in love and got engaged to give credibility to her hasty exit. Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.
Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.
Which makes me think... What was Jo's deal exactly? What did UNIT see in her? What was her job description? Did the Brigadier spend time interviewing young women who could convincingly act like ten-year old girls, ask stupid questions and get into trouble on a daily basis?
Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.
Which makes me think... What was Jo's deal exactly? What did UNIT see in her? What was her job description? Did the Brigadier spend time interviewing young women who could convincingly act like ten-year old girls, ask stupid questions and get into trouble on a daily basis?

<lifted from wiki>Apparently, she gained the assignment to UNIT because her uncle, a high ranking civil servant had "pulled some strings"</lifted from wiki>

I seem to remember her saying she had lots of "Agent" training and was good at picking locks.

I don't remember her having any usefull skills in the episodes though.
I don't remember her having any usefull skills in the episodes though.
She was an interesting character, wasn't she? I mean, although good-spirited, she was almost completely useless, moreso than any other companion. Barbara, Tegan or Donna would have torn her in half.
All the Classic Companions exits are sudden (With the exception of Teagan harping all the time about being over it). In the case of Jo Grant though, at least there was a 6 episode story where she fell in love and got engaged to give credibility to her hasty exit. Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.

While Tegan did spend much of her early time on the TARDIS harping about how she wanted to leave, she seemed to tone it down a bit when she rejoined the Doctor & Nyssa in "Arc of Infinity." So when she decides that she's had enough of seeing good people die at the end of "Resurrection of the Daleks," it felt pretty sudden to me.

But at least there was some chemistry between Jo & that hippie scientist in "The Green Death." When Leela seemed to fall in love with some random Time Lord security guard in "The Invasion of Time," that was the most outta-left-field departure of any companion that ever got an on screen departure. (I think they should have done some last minute re-casting & rewriting so that the Time Lord that Leela falls in love with is the communications officer that accompanies Leela when she leaves the dome. At least she seemed to spend some significant amount of time with that character.)

I kinda like what they did with Liz though. Granted, it's a shame we don't actually get to see her say goodbye. But I like how the Brigadier seems to frame Liz's attitude at the time she left. "Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes, and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably.":techman: I also like how the Brigadier is obviously trying to pawn Jo off on the Doctor so that he doesn't have to deal with her too much personally.
All the Classic Companions exits are sudden (With the exception of Teagan harping all the time about being over it). In the case of Jo Grant though, at least there was a 6 episode story where she fell in love and got engaged to give credibility to her hasty exit. Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.

While Tegan did spend much of her early time on the TARDIS harping about how she wanted to leave, she seemed to tone it down a bit when she rejoined the Doctor & Nyssa in "Arc of Infinity." So when she decides that she's had enough of seeing good people die at the end of "Resurrection of the Daleks," it felt pretty sudden to me.

But at least there was some chemistry between Jo & that hippie scientist in "The Green Death." When Leela seemed to fall in love with some random Time Lord security guard in "The Invasion of Time," that was the most outta-left-field departure of any companion that ever got an on screen departure. (I think they should have done some last minute re-casting & rewriting so that the Time Lord that Leela falls in love with is the communications officer that accompanies Leela when she leaves the dome. At least she seemed to spend some significant amount of time with that character.)

I kinda like what they did with Liz though. Granted, it's a shame we don't actually get to see her say goodbye. But I like how the Brigadier seems to frame Liz's attitude at the time she left. "Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes, and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably.":techman: I also like how the Brigadier is obviously trying to pawn Jo off on the Doctor so that he doesn't have to deal with her too much personally.

Yeah Leela's departure was a bit odd...was it as left field as Mel's though? Doctor I'm leaving you for a man who's likely to sell me into slavery as soon as the Tardis leaves...
All the Classic Companions exits are sudden (With the exception of Teagan harping all the time about being over it). In the case of Jo Grant though, at least there was a 6 episode story where she fell in love and got engaged to give credibility to her hasty exit. Liz Shaw simply stopped showing up to the lab, and Jo showed up in her place, so, Liz didn't even get an exit.

While Tegan did spend much of her early time on the TARDIS harping about how she wanted to leave, she seemed to tone it down a bit when she rejoined the Doctor & Nyssa in "Arc of Infinity." So when she decides that she's had enough of seeing good people die at the end of "Resurrection of the Daleks," it felt pretty sudden to me.

But at least there was some chemistry between Jo & that hippie scientist in "The Green Death." When Leela seemed to fall in love with some random Time Lord security guard in "The Invasion of Time," that was the most outta-left-field departure of any companion that ever got an on screen departure. (I think they should have done some last minute re-casting & rewriting so that the Time Lord that Leela falls in love with is the communications officer that accompanies Leela when she leaves the dome. At least she seemed to spend some significant amount of time with that character.)

I kinda like what they did with Liz though. Granted, it's a shame we don't actually get to see her say goodbye. But I like how the Brigadier seems to frame Liz's attitude at the time she left. "Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes, and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably.":techman: I also like how the Brigadier is obviously trying to pawn Jo off on the Doctor so that he doesn't have to deal with her too much personally.

Yeah Leela's departure was a bit odd...was it as left field as Mel's though? Doctor I'm leaving you for a man who's likely to sell me into slavery as soon as the Tardis leaves...
And Peri Became a Warrior Queen (Which I guess is a step up from her other Fate)
While Tegan did spend much of her early time on the TARDIS harping about how she wanted to leave, she seemed to tone it down a bit when she rejoined the Doctor & Nyssa in "Arc of Infinity." So when she decides that she's had enough of seeing good people die at the end of "Resurrection of the Daleks," it felt pretty sudden to me.

But at least there was some chemistry between Jo & that hippie scientist in "The Green Death." When Leela seemed to fall in love with some random Time Lord security guard in "The Invasion of Time," that was the most outta-left-field departure of any companion that ever got an on screen departure. (I think they should have done some last minute re-casting & rewriting so that the Time Lord that Leela falls in love with is the communications officer that accompanies Leela when she leaves the dome. At least she seemed to spend some significant amount of time with that character.)

I kinda like what they did with Liz though. Granted, it's a shame we don't actually get to see her say goodbye. But I like how the Brigadier seems to frame Liz's attitude at the time she left. "Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw herself so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes, and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfil that function admirably.":techman: I also like how the Brigadier is obviously trying to pawn Jo off on the Doctor so that he doesn't have to deal with her too much personally.

Yeah Leela's departure was a bit odd...was it as left field as Mel's though? Doctor I'm leaving you for a man who's likely to sell me into slavery as soon as the Tardis leaves...
And Peri Became a Warrior Queen (Which I guess is a step up from her other Fate)

Yeah but Peri's married to Brian Blessed. :wtf:
The last one I saw was The Awakening, season 21's two parter and it's still not a bad story, it was nice seeing Dennis Lil again. Season 21 was pretty good overall I think and Peter Davison has said that if his second season was good as his third he would've had a fourth.
Yeah Leela's departure was a bit odd...was it as left field as Mel's though? Doctor I'm leaving you for a man who's likely to sell me into slavery as soon as the Tardis leaves...
And Peri Became a Warrior Queen (Which I guess is a step up from her other Fate)

Yeah but Peri's married to Brian Blessed. :wtf:
Well, yea, I was pointing out how she got screwed either way
And Peri Became a Warrior Queen (Which I guess is a step up from her other Fate)

Yeah but Peri's married to Brian Blessed. :wtf:
Well, yea, I was pointing out how she got screwed either way

Well Nicola Bryant liked that they killed off Peri, she was surprised that Peri was brought back at the end. I liked her death myself it was shocking and well done, unlike Adric's death.
The Ark in Space. A good story, well ahead of the effects ability's of its day.

The Pyramids of Mars. Neat. Enjoyed this immensely! [potential spoiler ahead]

Is the Doctor trapping Sutekh within the Time Corridor the reason why lightning strikes the TARDIS in the opening credits, Sutekh is attempting to attack him? I like to think so... unless there's another reason I am not aware of?
Lazy Sunday afternoon in the Space Museum.

First time I have watched it even though I've had it for ages.