La Sirena and USS Titan A


Why do I feel that La Sirena, despite smaller, private owned ship is more technologically advanced than USS Titan A, one of prominent Starfleet Explorer Class Starship in 25th Century?

One thing for sure, La Sirena was equipped with more advanced, maybe brand new, and cooler technologies, like the Holographic control in Picard Season 1. While USS Titan A, despite to be considered as a prominent Starfleet Explorer Class starship, still using the old user interface / computer like in Star Trek TNG era.

We can compare La Sirena and Titan A with this, La Sirena is a small ship that used / equipped with the newest Smartphone in the market, while USS Titan A is a brand new, state of the art Federation starship that equipped with the older Nokia era Handphone that we haven't seen anymore in the market.

My theory is that because La Sirena is a private owned Starship that bought with money. It was the product of 25th century capitalism that sell a lot of glamorous feature that available in the market. While USS Titan A is basically, a state owned Starship that shun off many glamorous feature, for maybe to save money. Like a perfect product from a perfect 25th century Socialism government.
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A low crew (mostly just 1) freighter can have Minority Report controls if the owner wants it.
Big starships still rely on established interfaces that are safe and reliable even in extreme conditions.
A low crew (mostly just 1) freighter can have Minority Report controls if the owner wants it.
Big starships still rely on established interfaces that are safe and reliable even in extreme conditions.

So why there is no holographic control in Titan A, and maybe Stargazer A? In Picard season 1, Holographic interface looks has been widespread.
We've seen in SNW captains have a lot of sway over ship systems and functionality. Shaw may simply prefer a simplified style to more updated technology.
A low crew (mostly just 1) freighter can have Minority Report controls if the owner wants it.
Big starships still rely on established interfaces that are safe and reliable even in extreme conditions.
Uh.. when has a Starfleet console been safe? Admittedly I have not seen many explode, lately, but there's time. There's time. Hopefully they stopped using rocks for ceiling insulation, as well.
One thing for sure, La Sirena was equipped with more advanced, maybe brand new, and cooler technologies, like the Holographic control in Picard Season 1. While USS Titan A, despite to be considered as a prominent Starfleet Explorer Class starship, still using the old user interface / computer like in Star Trek TNG era.

My own car's radio interface has physical buttons. I don't need to look to change the volume, or channel, or whatever.

I drove a hire car last week. The radio interfaces was a touch screen. Volume relied on pressing a small speaker icon, then waiting a second, then adjusting a slider.

The interface on the second system "looks cooler" and is certainy newer. It's also far worse for a driver.
Just because you can have "Holographic Display UI", doesn't mean it's better.

StarFleet wants technology that can reliably work in all sorts of conditions, so it might limit some of it's Holographic UI capabilities.

Also training, maintenance, & usability are all factored in on massive UI design choices at a large organizational scale.

StarFleet is MASSIVE as a organization with countless member species and some non-member species.

That means that they have to account for differences in biology as well.

And then there's the fact that as in IRL, not everything is better with Touch Screen or Holographic UI.

There's a right tool for every situation and some nice secondary options.

My own car's radio interface has physical buttons. I don't need to look to change the volume, or channel, or whatever.

I drove a hire car last week. The radio interfaces was a touch screen. Volume relied on pressing a small speaker icon, then waiting a second, then adjusting a slider.

The interface on the second system "looks cooler" and is certainy newer. It's also far worse for a driver.
It also distracts the driver more, takes focus off the road, takes longer to use and operate.

From a safety perspective, it's HORRID.

Far worse than a simple physical button where you have easy accessibility to it.

Not all car UI's are designed with optimum Driver Safety in mind.

Too many Car Companies caught onto Apple iPhone style where they prioritize aesthetics over safety & practicality.

Why do I feel that La Sirena, despite smaller, private owned ship is more technologically advanced than USS Titan A, one of prominent Starfleet Explorer Class Starship in 25th Century?
Also, the 'La Sirena' is a private vessel owned & operated by 1 person.
He customized it to his personal liking, if that means extra holographic floating UI, so be it.
That was Rio's personal choice.
The better question is why Picard nor Riker seemingly have access to their own La Sirena style private ship to jet around whenever they feel like it, instead of hijacking Starfleet ones...
The holos in season one were awesome. If anyone read the old 2008 Countdown comic, they wore the season one Starfleet uniforms and every bridge console had a holoscreen floating above and they looked really cool.

But budget and bringing on oldies BTS and aiming to appease old fans who only want more TNG have lead to them vanishing and only the Discovery glass monitors being used.
The better question is why Picard nor Riker seemingly have access to their own La Sirena style private ship to jet around whenever they feel like it, instead of hijacking Starfleet ones...

Wow, actually you're right. Picard is basically a wine tycoon, so why he couldn't buy a La Sirena style private ship with the profit from his farm?
Wow, actually you're right. Picard is basically a wine tycoon, so why he couldn't buy a La Sirena style private ship with the profit from his farm?

The economics of the future are somewhat different. ...You see, money doesn't exist in the twenty-fourth century