Contest: ENTER July/Aug: Trouble with Critters

Robert Bruce Scott

The challenge:

The discovery of a new, non-anthropoid critter (or population of critters) causes sudden mayhem that Star Fleet must deal with.

Time period: Any
Location: Any
Characters: Any (at least one must be Star Fleet - either franchise or original)
Humor/Horror/Drama/Romance/Tragedy - in any combination.

Critter Design: Non-humanoid (or any other sort of monkey). Could be animal/plant/fungus/other. Make it big enough to see - at least the size of a murder hornet or a small tree-frog. No upper size limit. Either unintelligent or so alien that we cannot communicate either by language or any form of telepathy. The more original and creative, the better.

No word limit, but I suggest a short story rather than a novella. Deadline to submit your entry is August 27. Voting will end August 31.
Actually, Marmosets are primates. They are amongst the smallest creatures in the Order / Suborder / Infraorder that includes us Humans.

Yes, I had to look that up: Kingdom --> Phylum --> Class --> Order --> Suborder --> Infraorder --> Family --> Subfamily --> Tribe --> Genus.
Nice catch! I had to look it up too - Marmosets are simiformes (specifically New World monkeys) and thereby disqualified (as are tamarins). i did not know they were among us monkeys. For some reason I was thinking they were wet-nosed primates.

I'm excluding only simiformes (or, rather, their alien analogues.) All other primate(oids) are fair game.

Thanks!! rbs
Well, that's okay. "So Clever" runs 38K words ... a bit long for a writing contest.

Still, I do invite y'all to read it. [shameless self-plug]
Well, that's okay. "So Clever" runs 38K words ... a bit long for a writing contest...[shameless self-plug]

Feel free to add the link - please mark as "not an entry" so that it doesn't get swept up into the voting thingy. (I have no idea how that works yet.)
Suggestion for the next writing challenge: Uhura doing anything other than saying "Hailing frequencies open", like something that puts her in a command / leadership / teaching role, or perhaps just something "interesting" happens while she's off-duty and she gets to put her talents to good use.
Time to put out the ask again - Surely we can get some critter entries...

The challenge:

The discovery of a new, non-anthropoid critter (or population of critters) causes sudden mayhem that Star Fleet must deal with.

Time period: Any
Location: Any
Characters: Any (at least one must be Star Fleet - either franchise or original)
Humor/Horror/Drama/Romance/Tragedy - in any combination.

Critter Design: Non-humanoid (or any other sort of monkey). Could be animal/plant/fungus/other. Make it big enough to see - at least the size of a murder hornet or a small tree-frog. No upper size limit. Either unintelligent or so alien that we cannot communicate either by language or any form of telepathy. The more original and creative, the better.

No word limit, but I suggest a short story rather than a novella. Deadline to submit your entry is August 27. Voting will end August 31.