Jennifer Lien's cancellation at Parsippany, N.J.


Red Shirt
Hi, all. I just thought it might be perhaps beneficial, to let those of you who attended the New Jersey Creation con, and wanted to see Jennifer Lien , who cancelled this weekend's appearance know that, according to a post at under the article of the Vegascon interview with her, she had a family emergency. Whatever the nature, of course, let's send our strong good thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes to Our Jen, and her loved ones. Thanks.
Damn! Friend of mine went, was getting my cast photo signed.

Makes me glad I didn't go though, now, that she canceled.
Good heavens, here's to hoping Jen's family emergency has resolved safely and positively. :bolian:

Great pics, by the way. Jeri and Nana both look as beautiful as ever.

As for the replacement, I've seen J.G. at a con and he's a real HOOT! I asked him who he'd prefer fighting more on Tsunkatse... Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson or Seven of Nine.

His response?

Duhhhhhh! :guffaw:

Sorry I missed it.
I can clearly understand that Jennifer's priority is with her family at this time and I hope that it's nothing serious. Let's send our prayers and hope for the best.
During her Autograph session in Vegas Jennifer Lien looked less then excited, maybe even ill and she wasn't hiding it at all... she was holding her head with one hand and signing with the other, more over-the-top then what I'm describing... just wasn't "professional" I got the feeling she didn't want to be there. I wasn't impressed... I do however wish her well of course, this was just an observation.
From what I have seen mentioned, one of her kids became ill, so, she's a mom, a mom has to be there for them. At the time I posted this, last night, I did not know the exact nature of the emergency, but, I didn't see a problem with mentioning it as such. I wis Jen and hers well, whichever the case.
She looked very unhappy, possibly sick at the Vegas con. Not surprised.

Richard Arnold, the "Star trek Archivist" had mainly positive things to say about Jen at last years NJ con. The only "negative" thing he mentioned was actually quite a surprise, for an actress. She's painfully, almost pathologically shy.

Take that personality, put it in a room with hundreds of people who want to "meet/greet" her, and your observation wouldn't surprise me in the least.
During her Autograph session in Vegas Jennifer Lien looked less then excited, maybe even ill and she wasn't hiding it at all... she was holding her head with one hand and signing with the other, more over-the-top then what I'm describing... just wasn't "professional" I got the feeling she didn't want to be there. I wasn't impressed... I do however wish her well of course, this was just an observation.
Yeah, she acted that way back when I met her well over 10 years ago and she doesn't speak in more than one word answers. It's why she got listed as one of the worse people to meet at a Con. by this very site.
She has issues with large crowds of people, so I think we shouldn't be too harsh on her.
I suppose but for many that don't know that about her, meeting her does leave you with a bad impression. So if you don't belong to a message board and know these things about her, you end up wondering if something is wrong with her. I think that's why there are rumors about her floating around.
I met her at an event at London's ExCeL a few years ago. I too was struck at how incredibly shy she was, but for what it's worth, I got a "nice person" type vibe from her. I can't really elucidate on that statement, just the feeling I got.
I suppose, but I think that, as fans, we should probably spread the word on her.

She really hasn't had anything worse than a battle with weight since she left the show. Of course, she has had children, and a lot of women deal with that issue after having children.

I kind of figure that, if you can squash a nasty rumor about a shy person, you should because they're too shy to do it themselves.
I'd guess that for all the stars, working a convention like this where you have to be "on" for several hours is really draining. I know I felt exhausted from a few hours of meeting people and talking to them, and I was just attending and not the center of anyone's attention. I can just about imagine how difficult doing something like this is, particularly when you've got to be away from your family.
When an actor signs on to be a main cast member in a Trek show, are they also obligated to also make guest appearences at Cons.?

I mean, if being in large crowds is that tramatic for her, why do them?
I'd say money, but I don't think that's it.

I suspect she knows she has a dedicated fan base and is a nice enough person not to want to continue to disappoint them. If she's in therapy for her issues (which I hope), her therapist may have suggested she give it another try to help her break through her anxiety.

If an actor was going to have this issue, it's a blessing it's a Trek actor. I think we're a very forgiving and supportive crowd.