"James Bond 23" officially slated for 2012!

Now I'm not a music critic, but I know what I like and with Skyfall, there are bits of it I do like, the Bond fan fair, although a tad slow, is good. I just feel it's just trying too damn hard and I don't like it.

Yes it's reminiscent of the older Bond themes, being the fiftieth anniversary and all, that makes sense. But. It's trying to recapture the greatness of songs like Goldfinger (which to be honest, is the pinnacle of them all), You Only Live Twice (just for the intro really), the very eighties Diamonds are Forever and of course Goldeneye.

So yeah, first blush, not a fan of it. Maybe when I see the film in a couple of weeks I may enjoy it more, or if I give it a few listens as my Girlfriend just told me. Right now though, I didn't like it.
^Nice to see the context for the cuff adjustment! :lol:

As to the full song--excellent. Simply excellent. It's obvious the filmmakers learned from their mistake of dumping "No Good About Goodbye" from QoS.

Adele does the Shirley Bassey archetype justice, my friends. Here's to an opening credit sequence to match--classic retro Bond, with silhouettes of beautiful Bond girls, with the occasional gun....

Still...I'd say an improvement would've been--drop the background singers. Bassey didn't need'em--neither does Adele.

I know what you mean about the backing singers, but I think they'll grow on me :)

All in all I really like it, be interesting to see how it's cut for the title sequence, and what the title sequence looks like. I doubt we'll get anything as cool as the Casino Royale titles.
I was going to wait until I saw the movie to hear the theme, but I figured what the heck. I liked it, it's got a nice retro feel to it. I haven't heard much of Adele's work, but I like her voice.
As to the full song--excellent. Simply excellent. It's obvious the filmmakers learned from their mistake of dumping "No Good About Goodbye" from QoS.
I actually prefer Forever (I Am All Yours) by Eva Almer, but I think either one of the two would have been better than Another Way to Die.
That was fast. No worries, it's being officially released at midnight England time anyways. 0:07 actually.

That time has come and gone, so here it is, in HD glory:

Love the song, and when she sings the chores she reminds me of old Glasgow drunks who would sing for you at the bus stop. lol

And i mean that in a nice way.:)
Excellent - not as good as You Know My Name or the very best of the classic era (Goldfinger, Thunderball, etc) but damn good. The lyrics are logical given the context of the title and what Skyfall is - though also a bit too literal in the first half, given what just happened to lead us into the titles! I like it.

The other clip is fun too - and reassures me a bit about Newman's music (though it's not the *first* time we've heard his contribution - look back to the previous page where I posted a link to a 30-second loop of some mood music from the film...)
Best performed Bond theme in years. But lyrics suck, and it is a bit of a dirge. But I imagine it'll grow on me.
^ Lyrics can't be any worse than the one Bond theme, think it was Tomorrow Never Dies, which opens with a line like "Darling, I'm in a puddle on the floor"...
I really like that. I've never listened to Adele, but I'm considering it now. It's certainly much better than Another Way to Die. It surprised me how much I disliked that song, since I'm usually a fan of Jack White's work.
I kinda liked Another Way to Die, I thought it fit with the film, a raw/unfinished song for a raw/unfinished film.
I found it boring. It's kind of shapeless except when it references the Bond theme. No real melody line. I ended up shutting it off about 2/3rds of the way in.
Did anyone else hear echoes of Casino Royale at around the 1:00 mark? This isn't a complaint - I like the continuity, albeit minor.

In fact the only negative I have is that there isn't enough swell and power at the chorus - both due to Adele and the orchestral arrangement itself, I think.
^ Lyrics can't be any worse than the one Bond theme, think it was Tomorrow Never Dies, which opens with a line like "Darling, I'm in a puddle on the floor"...

"Darling, I'm killed
I'm in a puddle on the floor
Waiting for you
To return"


:) Yeah, tbh not that big a fan of most Bond lyrics - esp latter ones. I guess I had higher expectations for this though probably shouldn't have.
Even though I said I would have preferred Muse over Adele, I have to say I really like this song. It has a very classic James Bond feel to it, both the music and the lyrics. Even Adele's voice invokes that era. The only thing I didn't like so much was the choir bit towards the end but it might grow on me.
I like the song, though it could have used some more trumpets and stuff to make it sound more Big Band, like the classics (and the two 90s songs David Arnold was involved with).
Bit of a preview of Newman's score. I'm liking what I hear so far. I cannot wait to get the full soundtrack.

Those first couple of minutes were just dire. They screamed "out-dated" to me, the middle was bland and although the last few were acceptable they certainly weren't outstanding.


(thanks for posting it though ;) )
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I'm not listening to any of these till the movie comes out. Often I find that if I listen to the theme song or tracks released early for Bond films, I don't like them until I hear them along with the visuals of the film. I'm willing to wait 3 weeks for the release of Skyfall to listen and make my judgment then.