Invasion (starting Oct. 22 on Apple TV+, starring Sam Neill, Shamier Anderson)

No, JJ, a starship can't just warp from Earth to Vulcan in an afternoon, but people can beam from one continent to another in moments, and starships can go from one solar system's planet to another in minutes.
Lower Decks just done a whole episode on what crews get up to on boring "long warps"
I have watched the first four episodes. I don't mind the slow burn (but I hope the writers know the story that they want to tell and that is is going somewhere). My problem is the characters: Not many of the characters do I want to survive (I'm looking at you, British school bullies and cheating husband). There were more redeemable characters in Don't Look Up, a film chock full of characters best described as "horrible people".
I just finished the first three episodes. It's glacially paced. It's reminiscent of all the Lost clones from the mid 2000's, but there's no likeable characters in the bunch.
I never finished it. I stuck around until the 8th or 9th episode out of boredom but so much more tv came out I never went back to do ish it. Is it worth finishing off the season before abandoning or am I good having stopped where I did?
Just finished episodes 6 and 7. Much better than the first five. I'll finish it off tomorrow. There's only 10 episodes so you've already come so far.
I never finished it. I stuck around until the 8th or 9th episode out of boredom but so much more tv came out I never went back to do ish it. Is it worth finishing off the season before abandoning or am I good having stopped where I did?
There are only 10 episodes...but 10 seems like a drmatic change form 9.

Definitely would like to hear your thoughts on it.

But this invasion seems to have wrapped up a little too neatly. ANd no idea what the aliens were trying to do....
There are only 10 episodes...but 10 seems like a drmatic change form 9.

Definitely would like to hear your thoughts on it.

But this invasion seems to have wrapped up a little too neatly. ANd no idea what the aliens were trying to do....

Maybe I'll give it a shot now that my holiday 0lans are cancelled (thanks omicron) and I have a lot of days off with nothing to do
It is painfully slow. But the final two episodes set up something interesting and curious for next season. I hope…
well...we will see. The ending felt really out of place, and the invasion seemed kinda random.

I guess we will see how it goes next season.

I did appreciate that it was worldwide, generally not connected (which was NOT great to me).

Also, was all that stuff for Sam's Neill character just to set up the invasion? If so, that was a waste... loved the character he built, but if that was all it was about....
Everything was a waste. This was a middling movie stretched out to 10 episodes. The home invasion scene was the only thing worth remembering.
So anyone beside me watching this?? I like the new billionaire savior wanna be. Ķinda in the mold of the Snyder Luthor, but without the baggage of the name
I'm enjoying it, but not as much as season one. I've actually canceled Apple+ so I'll have to finish this some other time, once my finances are in a better place. Hopefully, by then, the new Monarch show will have aired all its episodes and I can binge them.