Introducing James T. Kirk

So what character is James T Kirk? I thought that he was some kind of gung ho, steadfast, some kind of dare devil persona, and a menace, according a time cop in DS9 episode; plus a womanizer one. But when I watch one of TOS episode, he was so normal, just A normal Starship captain out there. Well, maybe he acted like a cowboy, but overall normal.
In-universe there may not be anything more remarkable about Kirk's 5 year mission than whatever Pike goes through in SNW. Yet repeatedly Kirk's tenure is defined as historic in-universe. It's only because his 5 year mission had a tv show in real life. Otherwise, compared to what Pike is doing now it's probably nothing remarkable.

Most of Kirk's Federation shattering actions happen in the TOS movies, mainly saving Earth from V'Ger and the Whale probe. Pike saved the universe from Control, and the only reason no one knows about it is because it was classified.
So what character is James T Kirk? I thought that he was some kind of gung ho, steadfast, some kind of dare devil persona, and a menace, according a time cop in DS9 episode; plus a womanizer one. But when I watch one of TOS episode, he was so normal, just A normal Starship captain out there. Well, maybe he acted like a cowboy, but overall normal.
That's what he was. A normal character who got in unusual situations and his adventures became famous. But legends come from normal people.
So what character is James T Kirk? I thought that he was some kind of gung ho, steadfast, some kind of dare devil persona, and a menace, according a time cop in DS9 episode; plus a womanizer one. But when I watch one of TOS episode, he was so normal, just A normal Starship captain out there. Well, maybe he acted like a cowboy, but overall normal.
All of those and none of them.
So what character is James T Kirk? I thought that he was some kind of gung ho, steadfast, some kind of dare devil persona, and a menace, according a time cop in DS9 episode; plus a womanizer one. But when I watch one of TOS episode, he was so normal, just A normal Starship captain out there. Well, maybe he acted like a cowboy, but overall normal.

Kirk gets a bit of a bad rap. You really have to watch TOS to understand why he's the Starfleet GOAT. ;)
So what character is James T Kirk? I thought that he was some kind of gung ho, steadfast, some kind of dare devil persona, and a menace, according a time cop in DS9 episode; plus a womanizer one. But when I watch one of TOS episode, he was so normal, just A normal Starship captain out there. Well, maybe he acted like a cowboy, but overall normal.

There's the James T. Kirk portrayed by William Shatner in TOS, TAS, and seven films, and there's the exaggerated pop-culture caricature of Jim Kirk which seems to form the basis of the version played by Chris Pine.
Younger Kirk could have been strict and stern with the cadets in his role as Academy instructor or teaching assistant or whatever a Lieutenant might be, while outside of that setting he let his hair down. Long hair, of course. Since he liked "that longhair stuff." Right? *crickets chirping*

Possible spoilers for season 2
Babs Olusanmokun, who plays Dr. M'Benga, said that season 2 will feature Klingons:

Olusanmokun went so far as to confirm his future with the show, saying that Season Two will explore “a darker side” of his character, including “his contentious relationship with the Klingons.”

Maybe with Kirk around this will lay the groundwork for the extreme hatred and distrust of Klingons that Kirk has in Star Trek 6 (alongside Kruge killing David later on of course).
Possible spoilers for season 2
Babs Olusanmokun, who plays Dr. M'Benga, said that season 2 will feature Klingons:

Olusanmokun went so far as to confirm his future with the show, saying that Season Two will explore “a darker side” of his character, including “his contentious relationship with the Klingons.”

Maybe with Kirk around this will lay the groundwork for the extreme hatred and distrust of Klingons that Kirk has in Star Trek 6 (alongside Kruge killing David later on of course).
As well as Kor torturing him, threatening to kill and enslave the Organians, attempting to take over his ship, among other things.

Oh yeah, and Kruge killing David.

Small details really. :shrug:
Gary Mitchell described TOS Kirk as 'a stack of books with legs'.

I've always suspected that he got that way because of what happened on the Farragut.

Meaning, after the disaster, Kirk takes some time off from the fleet to recuperate, goes back to the Academy to teach, and becomes the "stack of books with legs" for awhile.

Perhaps his arc on SNW will involve him getting back into the fleet again?
As well as Kor torturing him, threatening to kill and enslave the Organians, attempting to take over his ship, among other things.

Oh yeah, and Kruge killing David.

Small details really. :shrug:
Just for consistency, I'm also putting this in spoiler tags...
Kor questioned Kirk, and, though he made some threats, I don't think torture ever actually occurred with Kirk. With Spock on the other hand, Kor had him subjected to the mind sifter, which a Vulcan could withstand but which would render a human a mental "veg-e-ta-ble." Later on with Kang and co. trying to take over the Enterprise, in the end it was clear that everyone had been under the influence of the alien entity. And in typical Starfleet Captain fashion, Kirk managed to maintain a more level head than any of the other human crew during the ordeal, especially Chekov.

Anyway, I think Kirk's hatred of the Klingons in TUC came more from losing his son than from the TOS-era encounters. It became a lot more personal and no longer a matter of detached professionalism.

Just for consistency, I'm also putting this in spoiler tags...
Kor questioned Kirk, and, though he made some threats, I don't think torture ever actually occurred with Kirk. With Spock on the other hand, Kor had him subjected to the mind sifter, which a Vulcan could withstand but which would render a human a mental "veg-e-ta-ble." Later on with Kang and co. trying to take over the Enterprise, in the end it was clear that everyone had been under the influence of the alien entity. And in typical Starfleet Captain fashion, Kirk managed to maintain a more level head than any of the other human crew during the ordeal, especially Chekov.

Anyway, I think Kirk's hatred of the Klingons in TUC came more from losing his son than from the TOS-era encounters. It became a lot more personal and no longer a matter of detached professionalism.

Ok, I must be misremembering Omega Glory "Errand of Mercy." so I appreciate the clarification.

But, in Friday's Child Kirk was more than willing to engage in revenge on "The Klingon."

While I agree that TUC was far more personal, the idea that Kirk lack any sort of animosity or hatred is something I don't agree with. It may have been more professional and detached but it wasn't positive.

Edited for wrong episode title.
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