In the Pale Moonlight turns 25

In most other series that have dark moments of heroes acting for the better good, this story would probably not make a blip. In Trek it did make a blip, but does that make it great?

I will say it is a very good episode but not one of the best of the franchise.
For me, what makes the episode great is the way the war ended. Similar to how ROTJ makes Empire Strikes Back a much richer film because we have the follow up information, so the end of the war shows how Sisko could not live with it. He holds up a drink, but by the end of the war he is pouring the drink out, disgusted by what the war, and his choices, have wrought.
That's a good observation. It also explains why Ross did the same thing in the finale, likely because of his involvement in "INTER ARMA ENIM SILENT LEGES". Who knows what else he had to do to help achieve victory?

I used to always think Sisko pouring out the drink as a statement that he had his fill of death and didn't feel like celebrating, unlike Martok. And I can understand why Martok would want to drink on Cardassia... his culture, upbringing, and the fact it was a hard fight throughout the war. I can't fault that, honestly.
That's a good observation. It also explains why Ross did the same thing in the finale, likely because of his involvement in "INTER ARMA ENIM SILENT LEGES". Who knows what else he had to do to help achieve victory?

I used to always think Sisko pouring out the drink as a statement that he had his fill of death and didn't feel like celebrating, unlike Martok. And I can understand why Martok would want to drink on Cardassia... his culture, upbringing, and the fact it was a hard fight throughout the war. I can't fault that, honestly.
Indeed and neither view is wrong. Thus speaks to DS9'S great strength of showing multiple points of view that are entirely valid. Martok espouses the view that the victory reflects upon their efforts. Sisko and Ross can only see the compromise and loss.

It's thematic storytelling all done through visual cues. I love it.