If you could give The Doctor a name, what would it be?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
I didn't see a similar thread, so I thought that I would start one (or maybe there was one, but it was so far moved back that I would have had to start a new one anyway).

I kind of like the name Zimmerman, which was the name of his creator (or was it another EMH that was somehow drafted onto his after his program started to degrade? I haven't exactly got this far in my re-watch, so I couldn't remember. I just finished watching "Phage" from the first season).

So, what are some other names that we could give him?
If I was writing it and this is like in some Voyager sequel series I would probably have the character say he's taken an interest in the Asia-Pacific region and well regards some of the Chinese medical practitioners and so to honour them has taken the name Hu.
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Well... Zimmerman would have worked fine, Van Gogh had a pleasing bit of vanity about it (it went well with the hair), and Kenneth was at least self-selected. However, the name that it would have even most logical for him to adopt was the one given to him by Danara Pel. It was given to him as an act of affection, it came from a woman he had genuine feelings for, and receiving it marked a significant milestone along the Doctor's journey from diagnostic tool to crew member.

It might not have the ring of some of the others, but "Dr. Schmullus" made the most sense.
With there potentially being two versions of the Doctor, one in present day and one in the far future, you could have one go by "Doctor" and one by some other name. Or have all the EMHs who got turned into dilithium miners all get names.
With there potentially being two versions of the Doctor, one in present day and one in the far future, you could have one go by "Doctor" and one by some other name. Or have all the EMHs who got turned into dilithium miners all get names.

Yes, but wasn't the future Doctor grafted onto the one from the present time when his program was starting to degrade (I think that was the part I was remembering, I guess I'll find out once I get that far in my re-watch)? Which would mean the only others around are the ones in the mines (I forgot about them).
Lewis Shmullus Schweitzer Zimmerman!

Also known under his name as musician:
The Doctor!

Given the crossover appeal, that's not a totally bad thought. Of course, paying the makers of "Dr. Who" obscene royalties might be an issue... they weren't even willing to reuse Nick Lacarno's name, denying the character any arc of redemption. I think royalties in Dr. Who's case would be far higher.
Given the crossover appeal, that's not a totally bad thought. Of course, paying the makers of "Dr. Who" obscene royalties might be an issue... they weren't even willing to reuse Nick Lacarno's name, denying the character any arc of redemption. I think royalties in Dr. Who's case would be far higher.
Well since their name's are both The Doctor I wonder whether they already dealt with this. Like if Star Trek introduced a character called Darth Vader Disney would pitch a fit but Star Trek already introduced a guy called The Doctor and it seems to have gone by okay. Maybe it's too generic and the characters are far different from each other that no one cared?